To install, follow these instructions:
- Download the code from
- unzip the file somewhere that you will find it easy to use in future.
- Open a terminal and type "gcc", followed by return. It will ask to install developer tools - click yes.
- Install "brew" by visiting and following the instructions.
- On the terminal, run "brew install python"
- On the terminal, run "pip install virtualenvwrapper"
- On the terminal, run the following commands: echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc echo 'source /usr/local/bin/' >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc
- On a new terminal, run "mkvirtualenv ehraf"
- On the same terminal, change your working directory to where you downloaded the code using "cd".
- Type "cd main"
- Run "pip install -r requirements.txt"
To run the trawler, for a particular $QUERY, run:
python $QUERY
The output will be in results.xlsx