
Murphi Model Checking of Bluetooth 4.0 Secure Simple Pairing

Primary LanguageC++

Bluetooth 4.0 Murphi Modeling

Murphi Model Checking of Bluetooth 4.0 Secure Simple Pairing


  1. Run make in the directory after modifying any flags necessary.
  2. To run the analysis run ./bt -ndl -tv -nosym
  3. You may need the optional -m <size_in_mb> flag to increase memory space.
    • Example: ./bt -ndl -tv -m 5000 -nosym to allocate 5GB of memory.

Switching Between Association Models

  • Change the PHASETWO flag on line 126 to switch between Just Works (1) and Numeric Comparison (2) association models.

Switching Between Initial Connection Mode

  • Change ASSUMEVALIDRESPONDER flag on line 127 to switch between allowing the initiator to connect only to honest responders (TRUE) or any AgentId (FALSE).