The bicycle barometer takes data about the weather, the status of tube lines and stations and displays a value on a dial.
- aalsalehLondon
- alex2London, UK
- alkholy
- aspalmerSeattle, WA
- astanwayNew York
- behaghelTypeform
- birdsighSprettynice
- ChewingPencilsGraduate Student
- chrisjfCanada
- chriskaukisSpace Cowboy, inc.
- coddingtonbearAirship
- eberle18
- fetzigVienna/Austria
- gdetrezGothenburg, Sweden
- girlcheesefrog
- homerjam@homer-tech
- jaygoobySouth Downs, UK
- jeffschulerSubstrate Websoft
- JohannesKeplerEarth
- langphilSpotify
- mgtldevMGTL
- nazeeruddinikramFOSS4Good
- NisseDILLIGAFSweden
- saranrapjsPrincipal Engineer @ The New York Times
- vied12Berlin
- yingxurui