
Start a github pages website powered by Jekyll using Foundation/SCSS in under 5 minutes!

What it is.

Ever wanted a simple but nice looking responsive website as your project page or page for your repo? Are you in a hackathon needing to put up a working website in minutes? I do. Here is what I do, and I am sharing for you to use it, free. Free as in free speech AND free beer.

You can see the working example site here

For User & Organization Pages

See github documentation

  1. Fork or copy this repo to your user or project
  2. From the settings rename the repo to naming scheme. (For this you need to use master branch)

For Project Pages

See github documentation

  1. Create a gh-pages branch, i.e. git checkout -b gh-pages
  2. Download the contents of this repo
  3. Replace the entire branch contents with unzipped stuff
  4. Add, Commit then Publish the branch to github, i.e. git push --set-upstream origin gh-pages

To run:

Run this once: npm install and bundle install

Make sure you don't get errors. (See below if you get errors.)


scss --watch scss/app.scss:css/app.css --load-path=node_modules/foundation-sites/scss

which will compile css from sass and watch scss file changes. (control-c to quit)

Open another terminal window and run:

bundle exec jekyll serve --watch

This will compile the web site.

dev site will appear on

To edit contents:

  1. edit _config.yml
  2. edit html/md files (_layouts/default.html is the base)
  3. edit sass and run gulp (Try editing scss/_stettings.scss)
  4. edit _include/nav.html

Use at your own risk, and follow license restriction of each products used. Most are MIT (OK to use commercially).

Trouble shooting and useful commands

If you don't have node.js: Install node.js. Easiest way it to use Homebrew by

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"


brew install node

Gulp or Bower problem? Try installing gulp globally by running

npm install gulp -g

** gulp issues **

Run gulp to compile css from sass by simply run gulp or npm start from your terminal within your repo. It will launch watch by default. control-c to stop.

If you only want the css compiled once: run gulp sass

Jeckyll issues To run jekyll locally to test your website while developing, run bundle install then bundle exec jekyll serve --watch (Requires ruby *) Your website should be viewable by going to localhost:4000 Github's doc on how to use Jekyll on Github Pages is also helpful.

Ruby bundle install issue: You may have to run brew install ruby and sudo gem install bundler. Mac OS X 10.11 nokogiri trouble

Foundtion Update You can update to the latest foundation by running bower update foundation-sites --save. Ping me and I will update this repo. Any questions, make an issue or ask on twitter @DaigoFuji