
Space debris removal model based on PyKEP scientific library. Developed within ESA Ariadna study project

Primary LanguagePython

Space debris removal simulation model

Space debris removal model based on PyKEP scientific library. Developed within ESA Ariadna study project (University of Liverpool and European Space Agency cooperation).

Authors: Richard Klima, Daan Bloembergen, Rahul Savani, Karl Tuyls, Daniel Hennes and Dario Izzo.
Corresponding author: Richard Klima - richard.klima(at)liverpool(dot)ac(dot)uk

This is a raw version with minimum of comments. The code is under construction and will be updated soon.

There is a break-up model and collision model which is based on CUBE method for evaluating probability of collision of two objects.

You can run the model by running the main class cube4.py. To run this model successfully you will need to install PyKEP scientific library available at https://esa.github.io/pykep/.

The initial setting is:

time horizon - 100 years
US removes 1 risky object every two years
EU, China and Russia do not remove any objects

Input (publicly available):

SATCAT - satellite catalogue
TLE - two-line element set database


There are 2 output files:
Logging of the simulation

Outcome of the simulation with risks, collisions and total number of debris Collisions of important assets for each of the players
Risks to important assets
Number of important assets for each of the players