
These are a few small scripts to enable networked XR objects in Unity, using Mirror-Networking

Primary LanguageC#

First things first! If you are using Unity's XR toolkit version 1.0.0-pre.5, you can use the file "XRGrabInteractableExtended.cs". If you're not using that version you will need to create one using the "XRGrabInteractable.cs" you have downloaded in the toolkit as a base by following the guide on https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/a/198143/89443

Welcome to Richard's simple network XR for Unity and Mirror

This project was created due to Unity's XR toolkit and Mirror not creating the functionality we need. This is the result of hours of trial and error, trying to find why things aren't lining up and so on.

These files are for quickly getting started with XR networking using Mirror.

How to use:

  • 0 Copy all of the scripts into your Unity project
  • 0.1 If you use 1.0.0-pre.5 see the file "XRGrabInteractableExtended.cs", otherwise you will need to create one with the guide here: https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/a/198143/89443
  • 1 Remove all of the XRGrabInteractable scripts on GameObjects and replace them with NetworkXRGrab
  • 2 Add the NetworkXRSocket script to any sockets you have Not yet implemented

The Why: Instead of using the XRGrabInteractable script, instead attach the NetworkXRGrab script and it will automatically use the XRGrabInteractableExtended version instead. The only change is that it stops the re-parenting in the hierarchy when Unity XR attaches a interactable to an interactor. The reason this funcionality was added is because Mirror needs the hierarchy to be the same on all clients. Mirror uses local positioning when syncronising positions and doesn't function as expected when someone picks up a grabbable, the position on the server or other client can vary by alot.