
code to cloud in ten minutes with Cadl

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Cadl End-to-End Scenario

This repo contains the code and configuration for an end-to-end scenario for using Cadl to develop and deploy a full application.

Support libraries that enable the demo features are in the packages/ directory. The demo code itself is in the demo/ directory.



Install Node & NPM

Downlaod and install from https://nodejs.org.

Install az cli

Follow the instructions here.

Install azd (Azure Accelerators)

Follow the instructions here

Clone this repository

Clone this repository and cd into the root directory.

Install project dependencies & build

First, install our monorepo manager:

> npm install -g @microsoft/rush

Next, install the project's dependencies.

> rush install

Next, build the project.

> rush build

(Note that this step is only necessary for the demo and is not part of the experience)

Running the Demo

  1. Change your working directory to ./demo, and open vscode in this directory.
  2. Edit app.cadl if you'd like
  3. Run npm run build which compiles the cadl to a variety of assets (openapi, bicep files, implementation stubs, clients, etc.)
  4. Edit ./src/api/index.ts and implement any function endpoints you've declared in your cadl file.
  5. Edit your frontend code at ./src/web/build/index.html.
  6. Run azd up to deploy the application to the cloud.