Assessing your Vanilla JS DOM Manipulation Fu

  • Answers to your written questions will be recorded in
  • This is to be worked on alone but you can use outside resources. You can reference any old code you may have, and documentation, however, please refrain from copying and pasting any of your answers. Try and understand the question and put your responses in your own words. Be as thorough as possible when explaining something.
  • Just a friendly Reminder Don't fret or get anxious about this, this is a no-pressure assessment that is only going to help guide you here in the near future. This is NOT a pass/fail situation.


  1. What is the DOM?
  2. What is an event?
  3. What is an event listener?


Your challenge is to write the functionality of a Caoursel component. You have the HTML and CSS already in place. This is an advanced challenge, so you are not expected to be able to complete it. What we're looking for is your ability to begin writing this functionality, and use your newly learned patterns to set up your component.