
Web-based content submission service for the Unreal archive

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Unreal Archive Content Submitter

A simple service and web page for accepting content submissions.

  • allows user to submit file via HTTP form upload
  • virus scan file using clamscan
  • scan and index file with unreal-archive
  • if a new file, clone/update unreal-archive-data repository and add content data
  • push unreal-archive-data to a new branch and create a pull request via Github API
  • someone will review the PR and accept it


  • submission process needs to be asynchronous, as the scan/index/clone/push steps may take some time
  • use long polling on client, build up log of events on server and update client as progress happens


Service is configured using environment variables:

  • GIT_REPO: URL of the archive data repository to clone and push to
  • GIT_USERNAME: username of user used to clone and push repository changes
  • GIT_PASSWORD: token for user
  • GIT_EMAIL: email address to use on commits
  • GH_TOKEN: github personal access token, for opening pull requests
  • BIND_HOST: bind web service to this host
  • BIND_PORT: web service listens on this port
  • ALLOWED_ORIGIN: comma separated list of hosts from which to accept CORS requests for job queries and file uploads
  • JOBS_PATH: path to where job history is stored
  • STATS_HOST: host name/address of StatsD service
  • STATS_PORT: port on STATS_HOST of StatsD service
  • UPLOAD_PATH: path to upload temporary files to
  • CLAM_SOCKET: path to a ClamD "LocalSocket" file, which can be reused. if this is not set, a new clamd process will be created with its own socket.

Data stores (for content hosting):

  • No-Op store:

    • STORE=NOP: no-op storage, used for offline testing
  • WebDAV store:

    • STORE=DAV: use WebDav storage, typically only used for testing
    • DAV_IMAGES, DAV_CONTENT: set the URL to PUT image or content files respectively
    • DAV_URL: default DAV URL to PUT files, only used if either of the above are not set
  • Backblaze B2 store:

    • STORE=B2: use B2 storage, typically for production
    • B2_ACC: B2 account ID
    • B2_KEY: B2 app key
    • B2_BUCKET_IMAGES, B2_BUCKET_CONTENT: B2 bucket IDs for image and content files respectively
    • B2_BUCKET: default B2 bucket ID to store files, only used if either of the above are not set
  • S3 compatible object store:

    • STORE=S3: use S3 storage
    • S3_KEY: S3 key ID
    • S3_SECRET: S3 access secret
    • S3_BUCKET_IMAGES, BS3_BUCKET_CONTENT: bucket names for image and content files respectively
    • S3_BUCKET: default bucket name to store files, only used if either of the above are not set
    • S3_ENDPOINT: provide the root of your storage API
      • S3_ENDPOINT_IMAGES, BS3_ENDPOINT_CONTENT: optional alternative root endpoints if using different ones per content type
      • example: https://s3.amazonaws.com/
    • S3_URL: provide the public URL of your storage bucket in the appropriate region
      • example: https://__BUCKET__.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/__NAME__
      • __BUCKET__ and __NAME__ will be replaced by the bucket and uploaded filenames respectively