
Export a Joplin notebook

Primary LanguagePython

Export Your Joplin Notebook

This simple script uses the module joplinexport to export all the notes from a specific notebook in your Joplin instance.


You'll need a working instance of Joplin, running locally on your machine.

You also need your Joplin token, which you can find from the Desktop under Settings/Web Clipper Advanced Options.

Save the token in the file .env in your current directory



Create and activate a new virtual environment and add the appropriate dependencies.

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the App

To download all notes from the Joplin notebook "MyNoteBook"

python jopchop.py "MyNoteBook"

There is also a standalone version if you prefer not to deal with Python

Jopchop "MyNotebook"

Everything, including any resources associated with the note, will be downloaded to the directory downloads


You can also use joplinexport as a Python module that you can load into your own packages. The script notes_script.py shows how to do this.

The key functions are

notebook_handling.export_notebook(notebook_name) # download a notebook with this name and save it to the downloads folder

from .joplin_api import get_note_resources # use the Joplin API to get resources for a note

The core functions are based on the Joplin REST API.