
Explore the latest updated GitHub / GitLab projects

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Explore the latest updated GitHub / GitLab projects


  1. Generate a GitHub personal access token with the repo:public_repo scope
  2. Replace YOUR_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE in app/.env.example with your generated token
  3. Rename app/.env.example to app/.env

Running the server

First make sure you've installed Docker. Once Docker is running you can simply start the server by running the following command from the project directory:

$ docker-compose up

The web server is running and you can navigate to http://localhost:4567/libraries/ the access the libraries resource. Libhunt allows you to hunt for libraries written in a specific language. The default language is Ruby, but to specify your own language add a language parameter: http://localhost:4567/libraries/?language=Elixir.

Running without Docker

It's also possible to run the web server without docker:

$ cd app
$ ruby server.rb

Running the executable (CLI)

You can use libhunt via the command-line. To do so run the following command from the project directory:

$ bin/libhunt

When using the CLI it's also possible to specify a language with the -l or --language flag:

$ bin/libhunt -l ClojureScript

Running tests

  • Navigate to the app subdirectory
  • Run rake test