
FAQ management plugin for Redmine

Primary LanguageRuby

== ezFAQ plugin 0.0.2

This is a FAQ management plugin for Redmine

== Installation

=== Adding plugin support to Redmine

To add plugin support to Redmine, install engines plugin:
   See: http://rails-engines.org/
   Also: http://www.redmine.org/wiki/redmine/Plugins
It's better to use the 2.1.0 version.

=== Plugin installation

1. Install will_paginate gem
   gem install will_paginate

2. Add will_paginate to the last of enviroment.rb
   require 'will_paginate'

3. Copy the plugin directory(ezfaq_plugin) into the vendor/plugins directory

4. Migrate plugin:
   rake db:migrate_plugins

5. Start Redmine

Installed plugins are listed on 'Admin -> Information' screen.

=== Feature

1. Ask question and request a user to answer it.
2. FAQ is grouped by categories.
3. FAQ's modification has history logs.
4. Send notify email to the author and the assigned user who should answer the question.

=== Roadmap

0.0.3 -> Generate pdf version FAQ document including all valid FAQ.
         (note: maybe delayed, if you need this feature, please let know)

=== Contact info

Homepage -> powered by redmine
Email    -> zouchaoqun@gmail.com