
Bookmarklet to help codebar organisers pair students

Primary LanguageHTML

codebar pairing helper

Add extra functionality to the codebar planner admin area, to help with pairing students and coaches.

The plugin should allow organisers to reorder students with a drag and drop interface, and edit their intended topics. Info is saved to localStorage.


Bookmarklets are generated with MrColes's Bookmarklet Creator. To generate new ones, update the config in dev/server.js and run npm run build.

There are no local dependencies, but you'll need to run a local server at port 3000 to serve the JS file. I recommend installing browser-sync globally with npm install browser-sync -g, then you can just run browser-sync start -s -f '**/*' to start the local server. To save remembering it, I've mapped this command to npm start in packages.json.

Planned features

  • Allow grouping/pairing of students
  • Re-run script automatically when the page updates
  • Build functionality into the official codebar planner?


Contributions are welcome. Please abide by standard OSS/GitHub protocols and refer to the codebar code of conduct.


Built by Richard Westenra under an MIT license.