
React Cookie banner which can be automatically dismissed with a scroll. Because fuck The Cookie Law, that's why.

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React Cookie Banner

React Cookie banner which can be dismissed with just a scroll. Because fuck The Cookie Law that's why.

If you really want to annoy your users you can disable this feature (highly discouraged!).

import CookieBanner from 'react-cookie-banner';

      message='Yes, we use cookies. If you don't like it change website, we won't miss you!'
      onAccept={() => {}}
      cookie='user-has-accepted-cookies' />

Live Examples


npm install --save react-cookie-banner


You can see CookieBanner's props in its own README.md


ReactCookieBanner by default uses its simple inline style. However you can easily disable it by passing

<CookieBanner disableStyle={true} />

In this case you can style it using css classes. The banner is structured as follows:

<div className={this.props.className + ' react-cookie-banner'}
  <span className='cookie-message'>
    <a className='cookie-link'>
      Learn more
  <div className='button-close'>
    Got it

You can also pass your own CustomCookieBanner as child component which will be rendered in replacement:

  <CustomCookieBanner {...myCustomProps} /> {/* rendered directly without any <div> wrapper */}

Or you override the predefined inline-styles. This examples puts the message font back to normal weight and makes the banner slightly transparent:

    banner: { backgroundColor: 'rgba(60, 60, 60, 0.8)' },
    message: { fontWeight: 400 }

See src/styleUtils.js for which style objects are availble to be overridden.

Cookie manipulation

ReactCookieBanner uses and exports the library browser-cookie-lite

You can import and use it as follows:

import {cookie} from 'react-cookie-banner';

// simple set
cookie("test", "a")
// complex set - cookie(name, value, ttl, path, domain, secure)
cookie("test", "a", 60*60*24, "/api", "*.example.com", true)
// get
// destroy
cookie("test", "", -1)

Please refer to browser-cookie-lite repo for more documentation.