
Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Dash Heatmap

Dash Heatmap to display Warehouse stock movement frequency


pip install dash-heatmap
import dash
import dash_heatmap
import json

app = dash.Dash(__name__)

# NB: Usually add data via filters and callbacks
with open('./assets/data/lmTest.json') as test_data:
    data = json.load(test_data)

app.layout = dash_heatmap.DashHeatmap(
    svg='../../assets/svg/test.svg', # Path relative to JavaScript imports
    data=data # Optional prop

if __name__ == '__main__':

Dash Heatmap


See a list of all of the Heatmap properties.


Install dependencies

  1. Install npm packages

    $ npm install
  2. Create a virtual env and activate.

    $ virtualenv venv
    $ . venv/bin/activate

    Note: venv\Scripts\activate for windows

  3. Install python packages required to build components.

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Install the python packages for testing

    $ pip install -r tests/requirements.txt

Running the Demo

  • The demo app is in src/demo

  • To run the demo

    1. npm run start
  • Test your code in a Python environment:

    1. Activate virtual env
      $ . venv/bin/activate
    2. Build your code
      $ npm run build
    3. Run and modify the usage.py dash app:
      $ python usage.py
  • Tests for the Dash Heatmap component.

    • Tests are available in tests/test_selenium.py
    • You will need to install chromedriver, eg. in Debian:
    wget https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/<VERSION>/chromedriver_linux64.zip
    unzip chromedriver_linux64.zip
    sudo mv chromedriver /usr/bin/chromedriver
    sudo chown root:root /usr/bin/chromedriver
    sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/chromedriver
    • Build the JavaScript with $ npm run build
    • Ensure you have completed Step 4. of the Install dependancies
    • Run the tests with $ pytest tests.

Create a production build and publish:

  1. Build your code:

    $ npm run build
  2. Create a Python tarball

    $ python setup.py sdist

    This distribution tarball will get generated in the dist/ folder

  3. Test your tarball by copying it into a new environment and installing it locally:

    $ pip install dash_heatmap-[VERSION].tar.gz
  4. If it works, authorised users can publish the component to PyPI:

    1. Publish on PyPI
      $ twine upload dist/*
    2. Cleanup the dist folder (optional)
      $ rm -rf dist


We welcome contributions to Dash Heatmap. If you find a bug or have ideas for new features please feel free to make a New Issue or submit a pull request.