Agentcy: Multi-Agent Collaboration with AutoGen

This code demonstrates the power of multi-agent collaboration using the AutoGen library. Instead of relying on a single agent to handle tasks, multiple specialized agents work together, each bringing its expertise to the table.

📖 Overview

The code sets up a collaborative environment where multiple agents, each with its unique role and expertise, come together to discuss, plan, and execute tasks. This collaboration ensures that different aspects of a task are handled by the most qualified agent, leading to more efficient and accurate outcomes.

🕵🏽 Agents

Here are the agents involved in the collaboration:

  1. Client: Represents the human user. Interacts with the planner to discuss and approve the plan.
  2. Strategist: Drafts strategic briefs that effectively position the client's brand in the market based on comprehensive research and insights.
  3. Researcher: Delves deep into understanding user pain points, identifies market opportunities, and analyzes prevailing market conditions.
  4. Marketer: Transforms strategy and insights into compelling marketable ideas that resonate with the target audience.
  5. Manager: Oversees the entire project lifecycle, ensuring all agents are effectively fulfilling their objectives and tasks on time.
  6. Director: Guides the creative vision of the project, ensuring ideas are unique, compelling, and meet the highest standards of excellence.

🤝 Collaboration Flow

  1. The GroupChat class is used to create a collaborative environment where all agents can communicate.
  2. The GroupChatManager manages the group chat, ensuring smooth communication between agents.
  3. The initiate_chat method is called to start the collaboration.

⚙️ Setup & Configuration

  1. Ensure you have the required libraries installed: pip install openai autogen

  2. Set up the OpenAI configuration list by either providing an environment variable OAI_CONFIG_LIST or specifying a file path.

  3. Instantiate each agent with its unique name, configuration, and system message.

  4. Create a group chat with all the agents and initiate the collaboration.

⏯️ Conclusion

This multi-agent collaboration approach allows for more comprehensive and efficient task handling. By leveraging the expertise of multiple agents, we can ensure that every aspect of a task is addressed by the most qualified entity. Whether it's planning a trip, as demonstrated in this example, or any other task, this collaborative approach can be adapted to fit various scenarios.