Java Binance API

This project is designed to help you make your own projects that interact with the Binance API. You can stream candlestick chart data, market depth, or use other advanced features such as setting stop losses and iceberg orders.

Getting started

import com.binance.BinanceAPI;
import com.binance.dto.BinanceAccountDTO;
// Establish the BinanceAccount DTO
BinanceAccountDTO account = new BinanceAccountDTO("<APIKey>", "<secretKey>");
// Create instance of the api
BinanceAPI api = new BinanceAPI(account);

Getting latest price of a symbol

View Response

Getting depth of a symbol

View Response

Placing a LIMIT order"ETHBTC", BigDecimal.valueOf(10.5), BigDecimal.valueOf(0.0578), OrderType.LIMIT);
View Response
  "orderId": 1,
  "clientOrderId": "myOrder1" // Will be newClientOrderId
  "transactTime": 1499827319559

Placing a MARKET order"ETHBTC", BigDecimal.valueOf(10.5), OrderType.MARKET);
View Response
  "orderId": 1,
  "clientOrderId": "myOrder1" // Will be newClientOrderId
  "transactTime": 1499827319559

Checking an order’s status (By Symbol)

View Response
  "symbol": "LTCBTC",
  "orderId": 1,
  "clientOrderId": "myOrder1",
  "price": "0.1",
  "origQty": "1.0",
  "executedQty": "0.0",
  "status": "NEW",
  "timeInForce": "GTC",
  "type": "LIMIT",
  "side": "BUY",
  "stopPrice": "0.0",
  "icebergQty": "0.0",
  "time": 1499827319559

Checking an order’s status (By Symbol and orderID)

long orderid = 7610385;
api.checkOrderStat("ETHBTC", orderid);
View Response
  "symbol": "LTCBTC",
  "orderId": 1,
  "clientOrderId": "myOrder1",
  "price": "0.1",
  "origQty": "1.0",
  "executedQty": "0.0",
  "status": "NEW",
  "timeInForce": "GTC",
  "type": "LIMIT",
  "side": "BUY",
  "stopPrice": "0.0",
  "icebergQty": "0.0",
  "time": 1499827319559

Cancelling an order (By Symbol)

View Response
  "symbol": "LTCBTC",
  "origClientOrderId": "myOrder1",
  "orderId": 1,
  "clientOrderId": "cancelMyOrder1"

Cancelling an order (By Symbol and orderID)

orderid = 7610385;
api.cancelOrder("ETHBTC", orderid);
View Response
  "symbol": "LTCBTC",
  "origClientOrderId": "myOrder1",
  "orderId": 1,
  "clientOrderId": "cancelMyOrder1"

Getting list of open orders

View Response
    "symbol": "LTCBTC",
    "orderId": 1,
    "clientOrderId": "myOrder1",
    "price": "0.1",
    "origQty": "1.0",
    "executedQty": "0.0",
    "status": "NEW",
    "timeInForce": "GTC",
    "type": "LIMIT",
    "side": "BUY",
    "stopPrice": "0.0",
    "icebergQty": "0.0",
    "time": 1499827319559

Getting list of current position

View Response
  "makerCommission": 15,
  "takerCommission": 15,
  "buyerCommission": 0,
  "sellerCommission": 0,
  "canTrade": true,
  "canWithdraw": true,
  "canDeposit": true,
  "balances": [
      "asset": "BTC",
      "free": "4723846.89208129",
      "locked": "0.00000000"
      "asset": "LTC",
      "free": "4763368.68006011",
      "locked": "0.00000000"