Coordinates Serial Generator

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This app will emulate eye tracker hardware and send commands to serial port.

Specifically, this app does the following:

  1. Randomly select one of 3 types of commands
  2. Send the command to serial port (COM2 by default)
  3. Pause for a random interval
  4. Repeat

The 3 types of commands are described in the Eye Tracker App documentation.


usage: [-h] [--port PORT] [--rate RATE] [--min-interval MIN_INTERVAL] [--max-interval MAX_INTERVAL]

Serial communication emulator

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --port PORT           Serial port (default: COM2)
  --rate RATE           Baud rate (default: 9600)
  --min-interval MIN_INTERVAL
                        Min interval in milliseconds between commands (default: 500)
  --max-interval MAX_INTERVAL
                        Max interval in milliseconds between commands (default: 4000)