
Check read, write permissions on S3 buckets in your account

Primary LanguagePython

S3 permission checker

Produces a report of all S3 buckets in your account and prints out a table to easily identify which buckets have open ACL's for read and write permissions.


  • Python 3
  • boto3
  • argparse
  • texttable
  • awscli installed and configure for credentials

Install Requirements

pip3 install -r requirements.txt



To run on a different AWS profile to default:

./s3permchk.py --profile <YOUR_PROFILE_NAME>

Example output

|                    Bucket                    |     Region      |        All Users Access        |          Auth'd Users          |
| bucket_0                                     | eu-west-1       |               []               |               []               |
| bucket_1                                     | eu-west-2       |        ['FULL_CONTROL']        |               []               |
| bucket_1                                     | eu-west-1       |               []               |            ['READ']            |
| bucket_2                                     | eu-west-1       |      ['READ', 'READ_ACP']      |               []               |