
Primary LanguageRuby

TV Chat Backend

Environment variables

Sensitive strings like api_keys should not be checked into git.

Locally these keys should be saved in a .env file. That's a file without a name but with an env extention. We're using a gem called dotenv to handle this.

Sample .env file:


Whenever your application loads, these variables will be available in ENV:


In production, we should use config variables. heroku config:set TMS_API_KEY=123.


Make sure you're in the root director of the git repo (Tv-Share-Backend). Then, run this command: git subtree push --prefix tvsharedb heroku master

If you need to force-push to heroku use this command: git push heroku git subtree split --prefix tvsharedb master:master --force. Note: Make sure you know what you're doing as this is a potentially destructive command.