
portfolio site

Primary LanguageCSS


VIDEO DEMO: youtube link

Description: For my final project I decided to make a portfolio site, every good web developer needs one right? The contents of the file are an images folder wher I hold the background image for my homepage and my logo. The next files are index.html where the layout of my site sits, style.css where I put all the css for my site, the README.md that you're in now and style.js where I hold my js function to bring up and then hide a loading animation.

Upon loading the site you see a loading screen. I chose to put this there to buy time for the main picture in the hero section to load. Without the layout of the site doesn't look propper until said image as loaded. My colour choices for the hero seciont I got from a swatch on "coolor.co". I've used this on a few other projects and just enjoy the contrasts. I did consider using the blue in the glasses picture at one point as well.

For my on the top I'm using my mimoji for a logo and i decided to put the "About me", "Projects" and "Blog" links up there. The first two links lead to places on the page. on the About me I share a little about who I am, what I've done and where I plan to go. I can't remember where I got the colours for the squares but I enjoyed the contrast between them and use them in an animation in the next section. I also decided to keep the background white to seperate it from the hero section.

The next link leads to my "Projects" section where I've put put preview images of a few projects I did for FreeCodeCamp. I considered making the standard card with an image on top and description below but I wanted to get some practice on css animations and using the :before and :after pseudo classes.

The third link goes to a personal blog that I started when I did a technical writing bootcamp hosted by Hashnode where the blog is hosted. When I finally get a domain and host my portfoliosite I will be making the blog a subdomain. I did consider turning this into a django project or using the WordPress headless cms but with time being a factor for submitting this that endevour will have to wait. On the side I used frontAwesome to place logos for various links to my Github, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts. I also want to have a direct call to action and a means to get intouch. The phrase "Get in touch with me!" links to a form I have at the bottom that routes the emails to my personal email.