
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Codacy Badge


This repository contains the Scala code for an Apache Spark job to create an Elasticsearch index from the AddressBase premium product.

For testing purposes there is a free AddressBase sample available from Ordnance Survey.

Software and Versions

Development Setup (IntelliJ)

  • File, New, Project From Version Control, GitHub
  • Git Repository URL - select https://github.com/ONSdigital/address-index-data
  • Parent Directory: any local drive, typically your IdeaProjects directory
  • Directory Name: address-index-data
  • Clone


To package the project in a runnable fat-jar: From the root of the project

sbt clean assembly

The resulting jar will be located in batch/target/scala-2.10/ons-ai-batch-assembly-version.jar

To run the jar:

java -Dconfig.file=application.conf -jar batch/target/scala-2.10/ons-ai-batch-assembly-version.jar

The target Elasticsearch index can be on a local ES deployment or an external server (configurable) The application.conf file may contain:


These will override the default configuration. The location and names of the input files can also be overridden. Note that these input files are extracted from AddressBase and subject to some pre-processing.

The job can also be run from inside IntelliJ. In this case you can run the Main class directly but need to remove lines 40-83 and replace them with:

val indexName = generateIndexName(false, true)
val url = s"http://$nodes:$port/$indexName"
postMapping(indexName, true)
saveHybridAddresses(false, true)

where the first boolean is for a historic index and second for a skinny index

Running Tests

Before you can run tests on this project if using Windows you must

Then next time you right-click the green arrow "Run ScalaTests" should be shown.

Note that you can't run the tests using sbt on the command line.


Top level project dependencies may be found in the build.sbt file.