Bank Tech Test

Project description

  • This is a simple app which you can interact with through the command line.
  • Users can make cash deposits and withdrawals.
  • Users can also see their account statement (date, amount, balance) printed.

User stories

As a user,
So I can have a coherant place to store my money,
I want to be able to make cash deposits into my bank ✅

As a user,
So I can spend all the money that I earn in a month,
I want to be able to withdraw that money ✅

As a user,
So I can keep track of my spending,
I want to be able to see an account statement whenever I want ✅


I decided to model my solution into a two classes because it allowed for a simple but effective foundation from which I could launch the development cycle. Each class has a clear responsibility


  • pry - lets you interact with your program quickly and easily through the command line. It also runs all of your tests for you once you have finished.
  • simplecov - for test coverage.


If you would like to contribute to this project, please submit a pull request at our github page.

Local quickstart and running tests

First, clone this repository. Then:

cd bank-tech-test
bundle install

This will take you into pry where you can proceed to interact with this app through the command line. Then:


when you want to exit the program. This will run the tests for you.

Example output

date || credit || debit || balance 14/01/2012 || || 500.00 || 2500.00 13/01/2012 || 2000.00 || || 3000.00 10/01/2012 || 1000.00 || || 1000.00