
A repository for a presentation for Dublin Data Science

Primary LanguageR

Seeing the Light with Refactoring and Testing


Title: Seeing the Light with Refactoring and Testing: A guide for the data professional

  • Tired of re-running scripts?
  • Confused when you return to a project/analysis six months later?
  • Mystified by the decisions that others (including past you) have made in your code-base?
  • Tormented by mysterious failures?

This talk is for the practical data person who doesn’t have time for software engineering, but whose output is code.

We’ll cover the motivation, and some definitions of legacy code; followed by a pitch for the tools to solve these problems: refactoring and testing; concluded with some advice on a better strategy for your future projects (Test-Driven Development).

Speaker: Richie has been fighting with legacy code (often his own) for many years, and has recently found a religion that helps him to make sense of all the complexity of modern data and software. Join him on a journey to happiness and enlightment.

Refactorings in R

Shamelessly stolen from the book.

He suggests that these be translated into other languages, python has lots of examples but R has very few.

Data Scientists and Code

  • An awful lot of us produce our results/analyses through code
  • Much of this is ad-hoc investigations
  • Often these investigations produce output which others want
  • You create a cron job
  • Congratulations, you are now supporting production code [fn:2]

My background

  • I trained as a psychologist
  • I like numbers
  • So I ended up as a data scientist
  • At no point have I ever had a class on coding
  • I haven’t even had that many classes on statistics

So why are you even doing this talk?

  • Because I have learned, from bitter, bitter experience that this stuff is important
  • People (hopefully) make decisions as a result of our analyses
  • Often, these decisions can have far-ranging impacts, most of which are impossible [fn:3] to foresee
  • As professionals, we have an obligation to make sure these results are correct
  • This means we need to make sure our code is correct

This Talk

  • I will provide an introduction tools to improve the quality of code, and our confidence in it (examples in R)
  • These tools are:
    • Automated testing
    • Refactoring
    • Test-Driven Development

Before Refactoring

  • You must write tests
  • Otherwise you [fn:1] will introduce bugs

Types of Testing

  • Individual functions: unit testing
  • Processes working together: integration testing
  • Overall application: functional testing
  • Lots of space between these points

My Code is so awful that it can’t be tested

  • This is depressingly normal
  • You want some kind of characteristation test
  • This is often a dataframe type structure
  • The quickest test is to ensure that both dataframes are equal
  • There is a wonderful book that guides you through this

Working Effectively with Legacy Code

  • The book, by Michael Feathers is really useful
  • Legacy code = code without tests
  • Book is based on particular problems
  • And provides approaches for solving them
  • Catolog of refactorings that can (theoretically) be done without tests [fn:4]

Characterisation Tests

output_old <- readr::read_csv(
                       ## you'll need this argument
test_that('output old = output new',
          all.equal(output_old, output_new))
  • capture how the system behaves right now, and make sure it doesn’t change
  • This simple test can allow you to make a lot of progress relatively quickly
  • this tests are useful to help build structure and get other tests in place
  • but they prevent you from improving the code in pretty much any way


  • This is one of the most interesting parts of WELC, which defines a seam as a place where you can alter what code runs without changing any code
  • For instance, if you have some kind of folder with different versions of code then you can create a seam by changing which folder is pointed to
  • This is also a very quick way of getting characterisation tests
  • The simplest example is mocking out a package/script file/module by changing the path

Pinch Points

  • Another concept from WELC
  • Refers to the point where you can test as much as possible of functionalities
  • Normally a dataframe of some description (input data, output data, predictions etc)

First Steps

  • Gather the source files you are interested in
  • Run them, make sure they work.

My Example

  • Its based on the irish property market data
  • I have been working on and off on this for a number of years
  • I have multiple folders, datasets and scripts that perform data loading, processing and modelling
  • I now want to turn this into an interactive app, and keep it updated
  • I aim to add tests and refactor to make it easier for me to build on top of this foundation

First Practical Step

if (!dir.exists("ppr")) {

  • This creates an R package for us

Why a package?

  • Lots of good things:
    • automated dependency management
    • easy documenting facilities (with roxygen2)
    • easy to run tests (with testthat)
    • check is just a bunch of better programming practices
  • Bad things:
    • more effort
    • appeasing the mighty gods of check takes time

Next steps

  • We have two scripts:
    • prep_modelling.R
    • feature_engineering.R

Step 0: Create a custom environment

  • I use conda for this
  • It supports multiple languages, and compiled dependencies
  • This is pretty awesome for python, and its a little more light-weight than Docker
  • It supports R (and apparently loads of other languages too)
conda create -n PPR-r r=3.6.3 
conda env export --name PPR-r > PPR-r.yml

First, generate or create ground truth data

  • Our scripts need to be run in order
  • So, we can use the boundaries between them as points where we can introduce test points
  • However, our scripts suck and therefore we don’t have any convenient boundaries available
  • Simplest way to run script
  • We can then look at what it produces and decide what to test
  • Biggest benefit here is not having to change anything

Assessing what we need

  • We have a bunch of dataframes, some functions and a few intermediate results
  • However, the best pinch point is ppr_train and test, as they are downstream of all our feature engineering

Add data to package

ppr <- readxl::read_excel("~/Dropbox/PPR/PPR-ALL.xlsx", sheet = "PPR-ALL")
ppr_sample <- dplyr::sample_frac(ppr, size = 0.05)
ppr <- ppr_sample
usethis::use_data(ppr, overwrite = TRUE)
  • This is important for running the tests
  • You can use absolute paths and stuff, but it’s pretty ugly
  • CRAN strongly suggests that data be less than 5Mb, so we take a 5% sample

Create pinch point

  • We need to run our script with the package data, so we can keep everything consistent
  • We add all the scripts to inst/, which is where we’ll put the test data also
                 path = "prep_modelling_output_old.csv")
  • We put this at the end of our script
  • Then, we run it like so:
cd ppr/inst/
Rscript prep_modelling.R
  • We then output the full file
  • However, because we took a 5% sample earlier, we need to change things

Handling the sample

  • We have the data in our package [fn:7]
  • We need to change our script to use the package data
  • We can either rename the script, or rely on version control
cp prep_modelling.R prep_modelling_refactor.R
  • Then we rename our output file
## readr::write_csv(ppr_train2,
## path = "prep_modelling_output_old.csv") 
                 path = "prep_modelling_output_refactor.csv")

Commented out code is bad, right?

  • In general commented out code is a massive anti-pattern
  • But right now, we are making minimal changes to ensure that we can safely update our script

Import data from package

## library(tidyverse)
## library(readxl)
## ppr <- read_excel("~/Dropbox/PPR/PPR-ALL.xlsx",
##                   sheet = "PPR-ALL")

Add Test Directories

mkdir ppr/tests
mkdir ppr/tests/testthat/
touch ppr/tests/testthat/test_first.R
touch ppr/tests/testthat/test_integration_prep_modelling.R
  • You can do this with usethis, but it was borked for me when I tried, so I did it manually

Integration Test

  context("integration test prep_modelling")
old <- readr::read_csv("../../inst/prep_modelling_output_old.csv")
new <- readr::read_csv("../../inst/prep_modelling_output_refactor.csv")
        "data.frame outputs are equal",
        expect_equal(old, new)

Run the script again with the changes we’ve made

  • Commit your code before and after!
  • We actually needed to make the data changes first as otherwise our “old” data wouldn’t match the new(er) data

Create a small script to run the integration tests

  • This talk is all about automated testing, so we’ll write a script
system("Rscript prep_modelling.R")

Lazy Man’s approach to testing

  • This is my philosophy
  • Minimum testing for maximum output
  • We add a few write_csv calls for each of our outputs
  • And use that data for testing

Write a function to make this easier: loading

  • We have lots of annoying relative paths in our test data loading
  • let’s abstract this away from our concerns
load_test_data <- function(name) {
  bpath  <- "../../inst/"
  result <- readRDS(paste0(bpath, name))
 ##' .. content for \description{} (no empty lines) ..
 ##' .. content for \details{} ..
 ##' @title 
 ##' @param obj 
 ##' @return 
 ##' @author richie
 ##' @export
 save_test_data <- function(obj) {
   obj_name  <- substitute(obj)
   bpath  <- "../../inst/" #relative to testdir
   save_file_name  <- paste0(bpath, "/", obj_name, "_test_data", ".rds")
   saveRDS(obj, save_file_name)
##' .. content for \description{} (no empty lines) ..
##' .. content for \details{} ..
##' @title 
##' @param name 
##' @return 
##' @author richie
##' @export
load_test_data <- function(name) {
  bpath  <- "../../inst/"
  result <- readRDS(paste0(bpath, name))

Abstract Saving files

  • First, write a test
    context("test saving and loading")
    ppr_test_load_save  <- ppr
    expect_equal(ppr, load_test_data("ppr_test_load_save_test_data.rds"))
  • This actually tests both functions, and handles the invariant we care about (that the saved data should be easily comparable to the test data)

Write a function to make the test pass

save_test_data <- function(obj) {
  obj_name  <- substitute(obj)
  bpath  <- "../../inst/" #relative to testdir
  save_file_name  <- paste0(bpath, "/", obj_name, "_test_data", ".rds")
  saveRDS(obj, save_file_name)

Move existing functions to file

  • Move the functions we have to a file
  • Change our script to load the functions from this file
  • We now have a package with code in it
  • Now we run our integration test again
  • Next step is to add some unit tests

Write some tests

context("load data")
dat  <- load_data("~/Dropbox/PPR/PPR-ALL.xlsx")
test_that('load_data returns a tibble',
            class(dat)[1], "tbl_df")})
  • The first thing we do is write a load_data function
  • this allows us to later abstract how/where we load the data from without needing to change (as much code)
  • Note that this function doesn’t exist yet
  • Let’s write it

Loading Data

load_data <- function(path) {
  ppr <- readxl::read_excel(path, sheet = "PPR-ALL")
  • This wouldn’t normally make a whole lot of sense
  • But I know that I am probably going to move to SQL storage with this project
  • So centralising the data loading does make sense [fn:6]

Test Names

finished_names <-
    "address", "postal_code", "county",                   
    "price", "not_full_market_price","vat_exclusive",
    "property_size_description") %>%

test_that('normalise_names works',
  • We just grab the output of normalise_names, and test that
  • this is a crummy test; try to test the actual invariants on edge cases

Test Fix Price

test_that('fix price returns the correct price',
          expect_equal(3e6, fix_price("3,000,000")))
  • All good
  • However, I think I spotted a bug in fix_price

Fix Price Bug

fix_price <- function(x) {
        nopunct <- gsub(",|\\.", "", x = x)
        nums <- as.numeric(
                iconv(nopunct, "latin1",
                        sub = ""
  • Can you spot it?

Test Case for Bug

test_that('fix price returns the correct price',
  • We actually shouldn’t strip the dots, as they are valid in numbers
  • We have a failing test, so we can fix this code (and make sure it stays fixed, which is normally more valuable)

Fix Price Fix

fix_price <- function(x) {
        nopunct <- gsub(",", "", x = x)
        nums <- as.numeric(
                iconv(nopunct, "latin1",
                        sub = ""
  • We just remove the part of the gsub call that matches dots
  • Now all our tests pass

Generate Bootstrap Results

  • I’ll leave testing this for now, as I probably need to do the feature normalisation first

Break out components

  • You want to break out chunks of code into manageable (well-named) sizes
  • This is the extract function refactoring (probably the most common)
ppr3 <- mutate(ppr2,
               price = price / 100,
               is_big = ifelse(price >= 2e6, 
                               "Not Big"))

Write test for new function

test_df_output  <- readr::read_csv("../../inst/mark_values_as_large_test_data_done.csv")
test_df_input  <- readr::read_csv("../../inst/mark_values_as_large_test_data.csv")
test_that('mark values as large works', {
                                    large = 1e6),

Write the actual function

mark_values_as_large <- function(df, large) {
  large <- rlang::enquo(large)
  ppr3 <- dplyr::mutate(df,
                        is_big =
                            .data$price >= !!large,
                            "Big", "Not Big"))
  • By which I mean copying code into a function and adding a return statement
  • This is the extract function refactoring

Opposite but Equal

  • Sometimes, we actually want the function to be inlined
  • This is called inline function

Convert price to log

  • Logs are great
  • In general, if you have problems with a response or predictor variable, you should log it and see if that helps
ppr4 <- mutate(ppr3, log_price =
                       log(price, base = 10))
  • Does this need to be a function?

Log function tests

test_that('log(price)< price',
  ppr2 <- normalise_names(ppr) %>% 
  new_df <-  log_column(ppr2, price)
  # can't find a vector based expectation in testthat
  • Obviously this fails again
  • One of the great things about TDD is that you end up needing to use your API somewhere before you write it
  • This provides both documentation and a usability check

Log Column Function

  • Again, we need to do the pointless tidyverse dance because Hadley hates quotes
log_column <- function(df, col) {
    col <- rlang::enquo(col)
    res <- dplyr::mutate(df,
                         log_price =
                           log(!!col, base = 10))
  • This is beginning to annoy me a little less, from repetition

What not to functionalise

  • Exploratory analysis
  • There’s loads of that in my scripts, for example
post_codes_table <-
        with(ppr4, table(postal_code, useNA = "always")) %>%
        as.data.frame() %>%
head(post_codes_table, n = 12)
  • This is to figure out what’s going on
  • Not sure it makes a lot of sense here
  • If I’m doing the same stuff on a bunch of columns, a function is useful, but otherwise it doesn’t make much sense

Next Steps

ppr5 <- mutate(ppr4,
        is_full_market_price = ifelse(
                not_full_market_price == "No",
) %>%
        select(-not_full_market_price) # remove old var - what happens if we don't?
  • So this is only done once, and is pretty specific
  • But it handles some ugly, ugly names
  • This is a rename field refactoring (which can be incredibly impactful)

Rename Field Test

  • First, we write a test
test_that('we have is_full_market_price column', {
          ppr3 <- normalise_names(ppr) %>%
            dplyr::mutate(price=fix_price(price)) %>%
          ppr4 <- invert_field(ppr3, 
                       "is_full_market_price") }
  • Which obviously fails
  • I did reconsider my name after the failure (the original name was fix_field_names, but that was needlessly vague)

Invert Field Names

invert_field <- function(df, field) {
  field  <- rlang::enquo(field)
  ppr5 <- dplyr::mutate(df,
             is_full_market_price = ifelse(
                     !!field == "No",
             ) %>%
  • Remember that once we have tests on everything, we can refactor much more fearlessly

Description of property field

  • When I wrote this code (for a data science bootcamp) I discovered that this field is buggy and annoying
  • There’s also a bunch of entries as Gaeilge, which is annoying for my purposes
  • I have about 30 lines of logic here, most of which won’t be reusable right away.
  • The easiest thing to do with it is just dump it all into a function so we can test it

Property Description Function

  fix_property_description  <- function(df) {
fix_new <- mutate(df,
        description_of_property =
                        grepl("Nua", x = description_of_property),
                        "New Dwelling house /Apartment",
                                grepl("Ath", x = description_of_property),
                                "Second-Hand Dwelling house /Apartment",
                                ## nested ifelse are pretty useful

remove_irish <- dplyr::mutate(fix_new, prop_description = ifelse(
        grepl("cothrom", x = property_size_description),
        "greater than or equal to 38 sq metres and less than 125 sq metres",
                grepl("cearnach", x = property_size_description),
                "less than 38 sq metres",

shorten_greater_than <- dplyr::mutate(remove_irish, prop_description = ifelse(
        prop_description == "greater than 125 sq metres",
                prop_description ==
                        "greater than or equal to 125 sq metres",
)) ##continues....

Testing our Property Description Logic

  • Kinda painful
  • Let’s punt on it and just ensure that the same data is output
  • This is something that’s a really, really common occurence [fn:5]

Creating base data

Alter our prep_modelling script like so:

                 path = "ppr_data_cleaning_done.csv")
  • This will write the file into our package

Test for Property Description

## test_that('new property desc logic is the same as old',{
##           data(ppr)
##           ppr_input  <- normalise_names(ppr) %>%
##             dplyr::mutate(price=fix_price(price)) %>%
##             mark_values_as_large(1e6) %>%
##             log_column(price) %>% 
##             invert_field(not_full_market_price)
##           ppr_old  <-
##             readr::read_csv("~/Dropbox/Code/Rlang/refactoring_and_tdd/ppr/inst/ppr_data_cleaning_done.csv") %>%
##             dplyr::mutate(property_size_description=as.character(property_size_description))
##           expect_equal(fix_property_description(ppr_input),
##                        ppr_old)})

Data Splitting

  • At this point, we have created functions for each of our data cleaning steps
  • The next section is handling test and train sets

Data Splitting Test

ppr_for_split  <- normalise_names(ppr) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(price=fix_price(price)) %>%
  mark_values_as_large(1e6) %>%
  log_column(price) %>% 
  invert_field(not_full_market_price) %>%
test_that('split_data returns a list',
          expect_is(split_data(ppr_for_split), 'list'))
  • Start with a simple test, make them more specific as times goes on

Data Splitting Function

split_data <- function(df) {
  • Passes the test :)

Splitting Data

  • Dump all the code into a function
  • Passes the tests
    split_data <- function(df) {
      ppr_train_indices <- with(
                                   times = 1,
                                   p = 0.7,
                                   list = FALSE
      ) %>% as.vector() #because tibble sucks
      ppr_train <- df[ppr_train_indices, ]
      ppr_not_train <- df[-ppr_train_indices, ]
      ppr_test_indices <- with(
                                   times = 1,
                                   p = 0.5,
                                   list = FALSE
      ) %>% as.vector()
      ppr_test <- ppr_not_train[ppr_test_indices, ]
      ppr_validation <- ppr_not_train[-ppr_test_indices, ]
      readr::write_csv(x = ppr_validation, path = "ppr_validation_set.csv")
      return(list(train=ppr_train, test=ppr_test))

Add More Tests

test_that('split data has test and train',
                       c("train", "test")))

test_that('split data returns a train tibble',

Yet More Tests

  test_that('split data returns a test tibble',

test_that('split_data train has less rows than input',{
          train  <- split_data(ppr_for_split)$train


  • We now have more tests, so we can actually refactor
  • The first (and most important) refactoring is to get a handle on global variables
  • Because of R’s lexical scope, these are often a source of latent (and horrible) bugs

come back to this later

Split Data Refactoring

  • We need to generalise the function so it takes a column for outcome

Feature Engineering

  • We now move on to the next script
  • First thing we do is add a write_csv call to the end of our original function

Feature Engineering Integration Test

  context("integration test feature engineering")
old <- readr::read_csv("../../inst/feature_eng_results_old.csv")
new <- readr::read_csv("../../inst/feature_eng_results.csv")
        "data.frame outputs are equal",
        expect_equal(old, new)

Analysing what the script does

  • Takes the data from the previous script
  • fits a simple glmnet model
  • loads in geocoded register
  • Loads in more data (ppr plus pobal deprivation data)
  • fits a PCA
  • fit a linear model on electoral district
  • loads vtreat
  • applies vtreat functionality to df
  • outputs model matrix [fn:8] from vtreat

Cleaning it up

  • We’ll focus on the pathway to the vtreat model matrix
  • Ignore the PCA and the simple models for now

Create More Datasets

  • We need to load in a sample of our geocoded and pobal data
  • Again, this makes it way easier and more reproducible to run the tests
ppr_gc <- read_csv(
ppr_sample <- dplyr::sample_frac(ppr_gc, size = 0.05)
ppr_gc <- ppr_sample
usethis::use_data(ppr_gc, overwrite = TRUE)

Pobal Data

ppr_pobal <- readRDS("~/Dropbox/Code/DDS/ppr_sf_pobal2.rds")
ppr_pobal_sample <- dplyr::sample_frac(ppr_pobal, size = 0.05)
ppr_pobal <- ppr_pobal_sample
usethis::use_data(ppr_pobal, overwrite = TRUE)

Run these scripts

  • Weirdly, despite these being in the package directory, nothing is done unless you execute the scripts into a running process
  • So make sure you do that
  • You also need to document your datasets, but we’ll avoid that for now
  • Note that you’ll need to update the integration test after adding data to the package
  • Also note that sampling breaks the integration tests, unless you use set.seed

Write Some Tests

Vtreat Pipeline

generate_model_matrix <- function(df, varlist,
                                  calibration_size) {
  df_calibration <- dplyr::sample_frac(df, size=calibration_size)
  df_train  <- dplyr::anti_join(df, df_calibration)
  tf <- designTreatmentsN(df,
                          varlist = varlist,
                          outcomename = outcomename
  result <- prepare(tf,
                     dframe = df_train

Subtleties and Problems

  • Sampling will break lots of tests given the approach we’re using
  • You can either set.seed or reduce the input data outside

Different Approach to Refactoring

  • Instead of abstracting out units of work, abstract out common tasks
sapply(ppr_pobal, n_distinct) %>%
        as.data.frame() %>%
        rownames_to_column() %>%
  • This code is unique
  • But the pattern is common
  • This is a lot more useful than the original
  • It’s also a lot more amenable to testing
  • As always, we start with a characterisation test

More Extractions

get_max_and_min  <- select_if(as.data.frame(ppr),
                              is.numeric) %>%
      sapply(., function(x) {
                            min = min(x, na.rm = TRUE),
                            max = max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
            }) %>%


get_max_and_min <- function(df) {
  maxmin  <- dplyr::select_if(as.data.frame(df),
                                       is.numeric) %>%
    sapply(., function(x) {
        min = min(x, na.rm = TRUE),
        max = max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
    }) %>%
    tibble::as_tibble() %>%

  max_min_df  <- tidyr::unnest(maxmin,

Value Counts

  • This is literally the only thing pandas does better than R
  • I write code like the below far too often for my taste
post_codes_table <-
  with(ppr4, table(postal_code,
                   useNA = "always")) %>%
        as.data.frame() %>%

Which can be functionalised like so

value_counts <- function(df, col) {
  result <-
    table(eval(substitute(col), envir=df),
          useNA = "always") %>% 
    as.data.frame() %>%


Proportion of Missings

  • Again, I have written code like this many, many times
count_proportion_missing <- function(df) {
  result <- sapply(df, function(x) {
              sum(is.na(x)) / length(x)
      }) %>%
        as.data.frame() %>%
        tibble::rownames_to_column() %>%
        dplyr::arrange(desc(`.`)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 4)

I don’t actually need these functions to run the script

  • But I can add the data from the originals as test data to get started
  • And thus ensure that my changes don’t break anything
  • To be honest, the last few functions are probably the most useful thing in my package right now
  • Certainly, they are the most re-usable
  • They do need some tests

Tests for our Data Analysis Functions

count_distincts_old <- load_test_data("count_distincts_test_data.csv")
test_that('count_distinct old and new are equal',
  • And it fails [fn:9]

More Tests

maxmin_old <- load_test_data("get_max_and_min_test_data.csv")
test_that('get_max_and_min old and new are equal',

Yet More Tests

missings_old <- load_test_data("count_prop_missings_test_data.csv")
test_that('count_prop_missings old and new are equal',

Further Work

Top Six Refactorings

Extract Function

Inline Function

Extract Variable

Inline Variable

Change Function Declaration

Encapsulate Variable

Rename Variable

Introduce Parameter Object

Combine Functions into Class

Combine Functions into Transform

Split Phase


[fn:9] always make sure your tests fail when they’re supposed to

[fn:8] it’s actually a df, but it is very very similar to a model matrix

[fn:7] right now, it’s the only thing in the package

[fn:6] given my use-cases

[fn:5] especially with code you didn’t write yourself

[fn:4] you always want at least some characterisation tests (i.e. output)

[fn:3] i.e. hard

[fn:2] in the sense that others rely on it. SQL tables are often the worst offenders (as they are often the easiest to create)

[fn:1] or at least me