Dracula colorscheme for NEOVIM written in Lua
- Neovim >= 0.7.0
- Treesitter (optional)
- Treesitter
- nvim-compe
- nvim-cmp
- Telescope
- NvimTree
- BufferLine
- Git Signs
- LSPSaga
- indent-blankline
- nvim-ts-rainbow
Install via package manager
-- Using Packer:
use 'Mofiqul/dracula.nvim'
" Using Vim-Plug:
Plug 'Mofiqul/dracula.nvim'
-- Lua:
vim.cmd[[colorscheme dracula]]
" Vim-Script:
colorscheme dracula
The configuration must be run before colorscheme
command to take effect.
If you're using lua
local dracula = require("dracula")
-- customize dracula color palette
colors = {
bg = "#282A36",
fg = "#F8F8F2",
selection = "#44475A",
comment = "#6272A4",
red = "#FF5555",
orange = "#FFB86C",
yellow = "#F1FA8C",
green = "#50fa7b",
purple = "#BD93F9",
cyan = "#8BE9FD",
pink = "#FF79C6",
bright_red = "#FF6E6E",
bright_green = "#69FF94",
bright_yellow = "#FFFFA5",
bright_blue = "#D6ACFF",
bright_magenta = "#FF92DF",
bright_cyan = "#A4FFFF",
bright_white = "#FFFFFF",
menu = "#21222C",
visual = "#3E4452",
gutter_fg = "#4B5263",
nontext = "#3B4048",
-- show the '~' characters after the end of buffers
show_end_of_buffer = true, -- default false
-- use transparent background
transparent_bg = true, -- default false
-- set italic comment
italic_comment = true, -- default false
-- overrides the default highlights see `:h synIDattr`
overrides = {
-- Examples
-- NonText = { fg = dracula.colors().white }, -- set NonText fg to white
-- NvimTreeIndentMarker = { link = "NonText" }, -- link to NonText highlight
-- Nothing = {} -- clear highlight of Nothing
The same works in viml
lua << EOF
local dracula = require("dracula")
-- customize dracula color palette
colors = {
bg = "#282A36",
fg = "#F8F8F2",
selection = "#44475A",
comment = "#6272A4",
red = "#FF5555",
orange = "#FFB86C",
yellow = "#F1FA8C",
green = "#50fa7b",
purple = "#BD93F9",
cyan = "#8BE9FD",
pink = "#FF79C6",
bright_red = "#FF6E6E",
bright_green = "#69FF94",
bright_yellow = "#FFFFA5",
bright_blue = "#D6ACFF",
bright_magenta = "#FF92DF",
bright_cyan = "#A4FFFF",
bright_white = "#FFFFFF",
menu = "#21222C",
visual = "#3E4452",
gutter_fg = "#4B5263",
nontext = "#3B4048",
-- show the '~' characters after the end of buffers
show_end_of_buffer = true, -- default false
-- use transparent background
transparent_bg = true, -- default false
-- set italic comment
italic_comment = true, -- default false
-- overrides the default highlights see `:h synIDattr`
overrides = {
-- Examples
-- NonText = { fg = dracula.colors().white }, -- set NonText fg to white
-- NvimTreeIndentMarker = { link = "NonText" }, -- link to NonText highlight
-- Nothing = {} -- clear highlight of Nothing
local colors = require('dracula').colors()
This will return the folowing table