
Hacky script to generate a list of completed tasks from MS Todo using Microsoft's Graph API.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Hacky script to generate a list of completed tasks from MS Todo using Microsoft's Graph API.

Sample Output

🚀 Launch (3)
Write launch checklist
Refuel the rocket
Feed the pilot

🥪 Lunch (5)
Buy bread
Buy sliced ham
Buy mustard
sudo make sandwich
Have lunch

8 tasks completed between 1970-01-01 & 2038-01-19


  1. Run npm i
  2. Rename .config.sample.js to .config.js
  3. Get an Access Token (see below)
  4. Paste your Access Token into .config.js
  5. Finally, run node todone (or node todone >> todone.txt)

Access Tokens

  1. Open Graph Explorer
  2. Click Sign in to Graph Explorer and login with your MS/Outlook/365 account
  3. In the main panel, click the Access token tab, et voilà!


.config.js contains some extra options:

  • ignoreLists: List names to exclude
  • start: Earliest date for completed tasks
  • end: Latest date for completed tasks


  1. To review how productive I've been this month
  2. To learn how to use Promises
  3. An excuse for a product person to do some coding :)