
Android app for google image search

Primary LanguageJava


Code path assignment - Android app for google image search

The app uses Google Image Search API to query for images based on keywords and some fixed parameters like image size, color, type, site, etc. The app allows user to view images by clicking on them and scroll infinitely to load more pictures.

Time Spent : 15 hours

  • Required : User can enter a search query that will display a grid of image results from the Google Image API.
  • Required : User can click on "settings" which allows selection of advanced search options to filter results
  • Required : User can configure advanced search filters such as: ** Size (small, medium, large, extra-large) ** Color filter (black, blue, brown, gray, green, etc...) ** Type (faces, photo, clip art, line art) ** Site (espn.com)
  • Required : Subsequent searches will have any filters applied to the search results
  • Required : User can tap on any image in results to see the image full-screen
  • Required : User can scroll down “infinitely” to continue loading more image results (up to 8 pages)
  • Advanced : Robust error handling, check if internet is available, handle error cases, network failures
  • Advanced : Use the ActionBar SearchView or custom layout as the query box instead of an EditText
  • Advanced : Improve the user interface and experiment with image assets and/or styling and coloring
  • Advanced : User can share an image to their friends or email it to themselves
  • Advanced : Improve the user interface and experiment with image assets and/or styling and coloring

Walkthrough of all user stories:

Video Walkthrough