
An example Rails 4.0 app with Devise, CanCan, OmniAuth and Twitter Bootstrap.

Primary LanguageRuby

Rails 4.0 App with Mongoid, Devise, CanCan, OmniAuth and Twitter Bootstrap (TDD ready)

You can use this project as a starting point for a Rails web application. It requires Rails 4 uses Mongoid as database, Devise/OmniAuth for user management and authentication, CanCan for user access control, and Twitter Bootstrap for CSS styling.

Rails 4.0 Bootstrap Demo App

How to use

  • Install rails 4: gem install rails
  • Generate new rails app from template:
rails new myapp --skip-bundle -m https://raw.github.com/alex-klepa/rails4-bootstrap-devise-cancan-omniauth/master/rails4-bootstrap.rb
  • cd myapp
  • Edit db/seed.rb to customimze admin user settings then run rake db:seed to create admin user
  • Edit config/initializers/devise.rb to customize your omniauth providers:
config.omniauth :facebook, ENV['FACEBOOK_KEY'], ENV['FACEBOOK_SECRET'], scope: 'email,user_birthday,read_stream'
config.omniauth :twitter, ENV['CONSUMER_KEY'], ENV['CONSUMER_SECRET']
  • Edit config/config.yml to customize your application settings, they will be avaliable via AppConfig object within your app, e.g. AppConfig.default_role

##Test-driven development

  • In 1st console start zeus: zeus start
  • In 2nd start rails server: zeus s
  • In 3rd start guard: bundle exec guard





Twitter Bootstrap