
Android-specific fork of Larry Doolittle's ntpclient program

Primary LanguageC


This is a forked copy of Larry Doolittle's ntpclient program, forked and hacked in a few ways to work on Android and FirefoxOS devices.


Building / Installing

Assuming you have installed the Android NDK, you can configure and build Orangutan by running:

./configure $PATH_TO_ANDROID_NDK

For example, on my machine I downloaded and extracted the NDK to $HOME/opt/android-ndk-r6. So In my case I would run:

./configure $HOME/opt/android-ndk-r6

To install on your device (assuming it's connected via USB and developer mode is enabled), run:

make push


See README.orig for detailed usage information. To simply synchronize your Android/FirefoxOS device with a central time server (the primary rationale behind this version of the utility), you can do something like:

adb shell su -c '/data/local/ntpclient -c 1 -d -h pool.ntp.org -s'