
Code and other data for our escape room about legacy computers

Primary LanguagePython

LED Matrix

The following describes what is needed to get the led matri working on the raspi.

first hook it up...

vcc + 5 -> 2
gnd -> 6
din -> mosi (19)
cs -> ce0 (24)
clk -> clk (23)

install some stuff

we basically need python and pip sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-pip and spidev: sudo pip3 install spidev

Give your user access to spi: sudo usermod -a -G spi pi and also sudo usermod -a -G dialout pi

What can you do with this?

Test the led matrix: python3 led_matrix.py -d

Play tetris: python3 tetris.py

Hook up your digirule 2u, set it to debug mode, and watch the memory: python3 digirule.py

bringup notes

Here's an example library that seems to work correctly https://github.com/rm-hull/luma.led_matrix

check the spi module: ls -l /dev/spi* if no result, install the module using raspi-config, under interfaces

Test functionality: sudo python3 examples/matrix_demo.py --cascaded 4 --block-orientation 90 --reverse-order 1

Important lesson: the max-chip supports speeds up to 10mhz. we need to configure the spidev lib to set the speed to 8mhz or less!

rotary encoder

Nice blog about setting up: https://blog.ploetzli.ch/2018/ky-040-rotary-encoder-linux-raspberry-pi/