Franklin WH

This implements a collection of sensors, and a switch implementation for the Franklin WH home energy system.

The most basic sensors are currently shown in this screenshot



You need an Access Token and your ID (serial number)

The ID is available from the franklin app under More -> Site Address. It's shown as your Serial Number.

You can get the access token by running the script bundled in the franklinwh python module


One way to do this is to use the web terminal from the Advanced SSH & Web Terminal add-on

Within the terminal screen, paste the following command. This command clones the files into the correct folder on your system <config_dir>/custom_components/franklin_wh/

git clone config/custom_components/franklin_wh

If you see no errors similar to the follwing, you're done with the file installation image


To add the basic sensors to your home assitant add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

It is very strongly recommended to put your password in secrets.yaml to avoid accidentally revealing it.

Example sensors configuration.yaml entry.

  - platform: franklin_wh
    username: ""
    password: !secret franklinwh_password
    id: 1005xxxxxxxxxxx

And to add switches, see below as an example, The switches in the example is the smart circuits that should be bound to that virtual switch.

  - platform: franklin_wh
    username: ""
    password: !secret franklinwh_password
    id: 1005xxxxxxxxxxx
    switches: [3]
    name: "FWH switch1"
  - platform: franklin_wh
    username: ""
    password: !secret franklinwh_password
    id: 1005xxxxxxxxxxx
    switches: [1, 2]
    name: "FWH switch2"