
pull data, save plot to GH, text plot to number

Primary LanguageR


This repo builds a Docker image that uses the {twilio} R package to send a daily text message to a target phone number.


Clone this repo.

In the root directory, add a .Renviron file with the following environmental variables:

TWILIO_SID          = "<your twilio SID>"
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN   = "<your twilio auth token>"
TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER = "<your twilio phone number>"
TARGET_PHONE_NUMBER = "<the target phone number to receive texts>"


Build the Docker image:

cd docker
bash build_docker.sh

This results in a Docker image called tdox.

Test the docker image in RStudio Server:

docker run --rm -ti -p 8787:8787 -e DISABLE_AUTH=true rocker/richpauloo/tdox:prod.0.0.01

Use the manual GH Action to test.