A very simple PKI in a web page. It creates a root CA which then creates SSL server certificates; it also generates the keypair for each client.
It should not be too hard to edit pki.conf to create other types. Perhaps add a (hidden) parameter to the form in index.html and use that in makecert.
This was only ever tested with Apache on Ubuntu but (famous last words) I tried to make it generic to any Apache/Unix-like system. I'd be curious to see portability enhancements to make it work on other such systems; I'm not interested in maintaining a Windows port.
The data directory holds all the OpenSSL configuration, including the CA's private key. The makecert script needs full read/write access to that directory. The BUILD script does this brute-force by giving global write permission and setting an .htaccess file to prevent remote access to that data. This is not great; putting the data directory outside the URL space and/or using setgid perl is better. If you do that, please let me know.
To install:
cp index-html.txt index.html
${EDITOR} index.html (look for XXX or xxx)
cp pki-conf.txt pki.conf
${EDITOR} pki.conf (look for XXX or xxx)
sh ./BUILD
To scrub:
sh ./BUILD --clean
If you are worried about race conditions with the CA command and serial numbers, look at the lockfile and lockit variables in makecert.cgi . I'm not worried, so that is definiteily untested code.
-Rich Salz Originally written: September, 2009
Adding CRL support might be useful. Notes on what to do:
- In index.html, add a link to fetch the current CRL.
- In index.html, add a revocation section including name/password (decide if this is for real use or only audit purposes) and then either the serial# or a place to upload the PEM cert file.
- In makecert, if revocation, get cert from serial# or parse/print PEM file. Authorize request -- e.g., username must be in subjectAltName.
- To revoke a cert and generate a CRL: openssl ca -revoke data/certs/{SERIAL#}.pem -name pki_ca openssl ca -gencrl -name pki_ca | openssl crl -text >crl.pem openssl crl -outform der <crl.pem >crl.crl