
Provides Swashbuckle support for ASP.NET Core health checks

Primary LanguageC#ISC LicenseISC


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This library provides Swashbuckle support for ASP.NET Core health checks.

Basic usage

In your startup code, add OpenAPI support for health checks as follows:

// Add an OpenAPI document that contains health check API definitions

// Other setup...

// For each configured health check, configure the OpenAPI metadata

Use the delegate overload to specify additional metadata about the health check endpoint. These metadata are exposed in the generated OpenAPI document:

        metadata =>
            metadata.OperationId = "GET_healthz";
            metadata.Summary = "Returns information about the health of the system";

Detailed health check response

The default output from a health check endpoint is a plaintext response that contains the overall health check status, e.g. Degraded. In the above examples, the plaintext response is indicated by the use of string as the type parameter when calling the WithOpenApi<string> extension method.

If you want to return a more detailed response, the health check subsystem enables you to customize the output as described here.

This library includes a custom type, HealthCheckReport, that contains detailed information about the health check result. To use this type, you need to configure the HealthCheckOptions.ResponseWriter as shown below.

        new HealthCheckOptions
            ResponseWriter = new HealthCheckReportFormatter().WriteDetailedReport,
        metadata =>
            metadata.OperationId = "GET_healthz";
            metadata.Summary = "Returns information about the health of the system";

How it works

As described in its documentation, Swashbuckle generates OpenAPI documents with information that it derives from ApiExplorer, the API metadata layer that ships with ASP.NET Core.

This library works by generating custom health check metadata for the ApiExplorer layer. In addition, it configures a custom Swashbuckle operation filter that maps the custom health check metadata into the OpenAPI document.

Advanced usage

The default settings are designed to enable developers to get up and running as quickly as possible. The library also supports more advanced scenarios.

OpenAPI document

By default, the AddOpenApiDocument() extension method generates a separate OpenAPI document for health check endpoints, available at /swagger/health-checks/swagger.json. However, this behavior is configurable.

Modifying the document name

To use the name health instead of health-checks, set the HealthCheckApiExplorerOptions.HealthCheckOpenApiDocumentName property:

        options =>
            options.HealthCheckOpenApiDocumentName = "health";

Modifying the document info properties

An OpenAPI document has several top-level properties that are exposed through the HealthCheckOpenApiDocumentInfo property. You can modify these as you require:

    options =>
        options.HealthCheckOpenApiDocumentInfo.Description = "Some description";
        options.HealthCheckOpenApiDocumentInfo.Version = "0.1";

Suppressing the generation of a separate OpenAPI document

To suppress the default generation of a separate OpenAPI document, call the AddOpenApi() extension method instead of AddOpenApiDocument():


The same effect can be achieved by setting the HealthCheckApiExplorerOptions.CreateHealthCheckOpenApiDocument property to false.


A huge thank you to all the contributors to Swashbuckle, especially domaindrivendev, who posted the original suggestion that inspired me to create this library.