
Sample client for mesos-dns written in go.

Primary LanguageGo


Sample client for mesos-dns written in go.

Simple Usage

Usage of ./mesos-dns-cli: -dns="": dns to query -domain="mesos": Domain -framework="marathon": Framework -hname="": hostname prefix if needed -index="": Index name to add to primary name (hack) -pname=".": port prefix if needed -protocol="tcp": Protocol tcp/udp and so on. -version=false: output the version

What are Hostname Prefix and Port Prefix?

If you specify a --hname "-eh " and --pname " -ep " then the system will return your address as -eh +ip+ -ep +port+.

Relative searches

As long as MARATHON_APP_ID is in the environment you can use relative service names to search for things. Like

./mesos-dns-cli ../data/mysql