
grunt-contrib-connect proxy middleware utility, with corporate proxy support

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Grunt Middleware function to Proxy Requests

Provides a http/https proxy as middleware for the grunt-contrib-connect plugin. Supporting proxy over proxy and proxy tunneling.

Build Status Coverage Status

Getting Started

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-middleware-proxy --save-dev

One the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


Adapting the "connect" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named proxies to your existing connect definition.

Basic Proxy Configuration

    connect: {
        server: {
            options: {
                port: 9000,
                hostname: 'localhost',
                middleware: function (connect, options, middlewares) {
                    /*Requires the Middleware snipped from the Library
                    and add it before the other Middlewares.*/
					return middlewares;
            proxies: [{
                    context: '/yourapi', //REQUIRED! Must start with a '/' should not end with a '/'
                    host: 'api_server_domain.com', //REQUIRED! Should not contain 'http://' or 'https://'
                    port: 8080, //Optional, defaults to 80 if http or 443 if https
                    https: false,//Optional, defaults to false
                    rewriteHost: true,//Optional, defaults to true
                    auth: 'username:password', //Optional, adds the Authorization header
                    headers: {//Optional.

Proxy over Proxy Configuration

    connect: {
        server: {
            options: {
                port: 9000,
                hostname: 'localhost',
                middleware: function (connect, options, middlewares) {
                    /*Requires the Middleware snipped from the Library
                    and add it before the other Middlewares.*/
					return middlewares;
            proxies: [{
                    context: '/yourapi', //REQUIRED! Must start with a '/' should not end with a '/'
                    host: 'api_server_domain.com', //REQUIRED! Should not contain 'http://' or 'https://'
                    port: 8080, //Optional, defaults to 80 if http or 443 if https
                    https: false,//Optional, defaults to false
                    rewriteHost: true,//Optional, defaults to true
                    /*auth is not supported*/
                    headers: {//Optional.
                    proxy: {
                        host: 'proxy', //REQUIRED! Should not contain 'http://' or 'https://'
                        port: 8080,//Optional, defaults to 80 if http or 443 if https
                        https: false//Optional, defaults to false
                        /*proxy-specific headers are not supported as they are merged on the request`s header*/
                        /*auth is not supported*/

Proxy tunneling Configuration

    connect: {
        server: {
            options: {
                port: 9000,
                hostname: 'localhost',
                middleware: function (connect, options, middlewares) {
                    /*Requires the Middleware snipped from the Library
                    and add it before the other Middlewares.*/
					return middlewares;
            proxies: [{
                    context: '/yourapi', //REQUIRED! Must start with a '/' should not end with a '/'
                    host: 'api_server_domain.com', //REQUIRED! Should not contain 'http://' or 'https://'
                    port: 8080, //Optional, defaults to 80 if http or 443 if https
                    https: false,//Optional, defaults to false
                    rewriteHost: true,//Optional, defaults to true
                    auth: 'username:password', //Optional, adds the Authorization header
                    headers: {//Optional.
                    proxyTunnel: {
                        host: 'proxy', //REQUIRED! Should not contain 'http://' or 'https://'
                        port: 8080,//Optional, defaults to 80 if http or 443 if https
                        https: false,//Optional, defaults to false
                        auth: 'username:password', //Optional, adds the Authorization header
                        headers: {//Optional.

Registering the Grunt Task

grunt.registerTask('serve', [

IMPORTANT: You must specify the connect target in the setupProxies task.


The available configuration options from a given proxy based on the node http and https modules


Type: String

The context(s) to match requests against. Matching requests will be proxied. Should start with /. Should not end with /


Type: String

The host to proxy to. Should not start with the http/https protocol.


Type: Boolean Default: false

If the proxy should target a https end point on the destination server


Type: Boolean Default: true

If the proxy should rewrite the host header to the target host. If your use case depends on proxying to localhost servers with port, try setting rewriteHost to false.


Type: Number

If not provided by the configuration, will be defaulted to 80 if https:false or 443 if https:true

The port to proxy to.


Type: String

auth : 'username:password'

Creates a new Authorization header on the request as defined by the Standard on HTTP. Basically creates:

headers : {
   'Authorization' : 'Basic ' + btoa('username:password')

#### options.headers
>Type: `Object`

>A map of headers to be added to proxied requests.

>headers: {
>    'header':'value',
>    'anotherheader':'anothervalue'

### Options.proxy

#### options.proxy.host
>Type: `String`

>The host to proxy to. Should not start with the http/https protocol.

#### options.proxy.https
>Type: `Boolean`
>Default: false

>If the proxy should target a https end point on the destination server

#### options.proxy.port
>Type: `Number`

>If not provided by the configuration, will be defaulted to 80 if `https:false` or 443 if `https:true`

>The port to proxy to.

### Options.proxyTunnel

#### options.proxyTunnel.host
>Type: `String`

>The host to proxy to. Should not start with the http/https protocol.

#### options.proxyTunnel.https
>Type: `Boolean`
>Default: false

>If the proxy should target a https end point on the destination server

#### options.proxyTunnel.port
>Type: `Number`

>If not provided by the configuration, will be defaulted to 80 if `https:false` or 443 if `https:true`

>The port to proxy to.

#### options.proxyTunnel.auth
>Type: `String`

>```auth : 'username:password'```

>Creates a new Authorization header on the request as defined by the Standard on HTTP. Will be added to the Request for tunneling.
>Basically creates:

>headers : {
>    'Authorization' : 'Basic ' + new Buffer('username:password').toString('base64')


Type: Object

A map of headers to be added to the tunneling request (CONNECT).

headers: {