
A library for creating dynamic web applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript


contractor, undertaker, purveyor (wiki)

Create dynamic web applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


  • Single Page Application with proper (not hash-based) urls
  • Hot-reloading dev server
  • First class JavaScript (ES) modules
  • Simple, extensible, and buildless Arche(React) application architecture
  • Pipeline-based state management with rubico
  • Fill-in-the-blank meta tags for search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Painless deployment to Amazon S3
  • Fully featured component library

System Requirements

  • Node.js node v10.3.x
  • AWS Command Line Interface aws v2.x, authorized to create buckets and upload files

Getting Started

Install globally with npm.

npm i -g redemptor

Create a new project as your domain name.

redemptor create ./path/to/your.domain.com
# bucket will be named your.domain.com

This generates a project with the following file structure at ./path/to/your.hostname.com/.

  • index.html - the entrypoint to your website. Contains blank metadata fields.
  • index.js - JavaScript entrypoint for your application. Contains a minimal Arche(React) application
  • style.css - CSS entrypoint for your application. Contains default, site-wide CSS.
  • routes.js - export default a single array of paths. Starts as ['/']
  • site.webmanifest - mostly blank configuration for supporting PWAs
  • README.md - readme with just the header
  • LICENSE - an MIT license with blank name and year
  • package.json - a mostly blank project configuration file

Start the hot-reloading development server.

redemptor serve ./path/to/your.hostname.com
# serve port 8000 by default

redemptor serve -p 3000 ./path/to/your.hostname.com
redemptor serve --port 3000 ./path/to/your.hostname.com
# specify the port as 3000

Author your site and deploy to Amazon S3.

redemptor publish ./path/to/your.hostname.com
# default file writing concurrency limit 10

redemptor publish --concurrency 20 ./path/to/your.hostname.com
# bump the concurrency limit to 20