A personal time tracker for keeping track of what activities you spend your time on during the day. It is not like a traditional time reporting system, which is primarily designed for extracting data. Quarterapp is designed for putting in data first, and creating reports second.
The idea is to illustrate each day as 24 rows with 4 columns in each row - 24 hours with 4 quarters. Each quarter can be tied to a specific activity by color. A day can then summarize how much time you spent in total and per activity. Quarterapp also supports extracting reports spanning more than a day.
Start the server using the command:
python quarterapp/quarterapp.py
Run the unit test using nose:
Special thanks to:
Fredrik Håård (@haard)
Olof Fredriksson (@OlofFredriksson)
Copyright © 2012-2013 Markus Eliasson
Distributed under the GPLv3 license