
Config Files I Like to Use

Primary LanguageLua

I am distro agnostic although I tend to prefer Fedora or something similar. Choose whatever suits you best and just be aware of the package manager and dependencies needed. 
This script can be improved by detecting the environment the script is running in and placing the appropriate package manager commands via a variable but I am too lazy for that at the moment. 
Feel free to fork and add that if you would like.  

Tools I use daily include:
	- i3 (or PopOS tiling feature)
	- VIM (I was using neovim with all the plugins but my workflow is better with vim for text edit and VSCode for code bases. Configuring neovim everytime I used a new distro was a pain for me and my lack of wanting to learn the ins and outs.)
	- VSCode 
    - XFCE Terminal or Kitty
	- Oh-My-Zsh (Shell Theming and Plugin Support)
	- TMUX (Unless I am using Kitty)
	- appImageLauncher
	- Obsidian (Notes)
	- Firefox (Usually installed by default on distros) 
	- Remmina (RDP)
	- Discord
First Steps (Remember: this is experimental, commands in the script may simply fail/need adjustments which is why I recommend a fork or editing locally)
- Install preferred base distro
- Reboot & Login
- sudo dnf update & upgrade
- sudo dnf install git
- git clone https://github.com/rickandm00rty/dotfiles
- cd dotfiles
- sudo chmod +x ./install.sh
- sudo ./install.sh

After the script finishes I typically just start playing around and filling in any gaps (Graphic Drivers (if needed) and configuring Password Manager and logins. 

This is a rough outline and factors will change depending on your environment. My main goal was to streamline program installs and new distro setup.