
This Terraform project is designed to test the input and output handling of AWS Service Catalog, which now offers Terraform support. The purpose is to ensure the correct handling of various Terraform data types in variables and outputs when used with AWS Service Catalog.

Primary LanguageHCL


This Terraform project is designed to test the input and output handling of AWS Service Catalog, which now offers Terraform support. The purpose is to ensure the correct handling of various Terraform data types in variables and outputs when used with AWS Service Catalog.

Dummy Data for the Catalog

  • Product name: terraform-aws-sc-dummy-item

  • Product description (optional): A Terraform Service Catalog item for testing AWS Service Catalog integration with support for various complex input and output data types.

  • Version name (optional): v1.0.0

  • Owner: ACME Cloud Engineering

  • Distributor (optional): ACME Cloud Engineering

Supported Data Types in Terraform

Terraform supports several data types for variables and outputs, which include:

  • string: Represents a sequence of characters.
  • number: Represents numeric values, including integers and floating-point numbers.
  • bool: Represents a boolean value, either true or false.
  • list(<TYPE>) or tuple([<TYPE>, ...]): Represents a sequence of values of the specified type(s).
  • set(<TYPE>): Represents an unordered collection of unique values of the specified type.
  • map(<TYPE>) or object({key = <TYPE>, ...}): Represents a collection of key-value pairs, where keys are strings, and values are of the specified type(s).
  • any: Represents a value of any type.

Validation in Terraform Variables

Terraform allows you to add validation rules to your input variables using the validation block. This helps to ensure that the values passed to your modules meet specific criteria before they are used in the configuration. You can define custom error messages to provide better feedback when incorrect values are provided.

Example of a validation block:

variable "instance_type" {
  type        = string
  description = "EC2 instance type"

  validation {
    condition     = contains(["t2.micro", "t2.small", "t2.medium"], var.instance_type)
    error_message = "The instance_type must be one of: t2.micro, t2.small, t2.medium."

In this example, the condition checks whether the provided instance_type is one of the allowed types. If not, it will display the custom error_message.

Project Structure

├── main.tf
├── providers.tf
├── versions.tf
└── modules/
    └── main_module/
        ├── main.tf
        ├── variables.tf
        └── outputs.tf

This project structure includes a top-level directory with the main Terraform configuration files, and a main_module within the modules directory. The main_module is responsible for retrieving specified environment variables and outputting their values as a map.

For more information on Terraform data types, variables, and validation, refer to the Terraform documentation:

Module Variables and Outputs

Terraform Variables File

This is a reference output of the variables and outputs defined in the catalog item, with the included tfvars file.

Variable Name Value Description Default Value Source
simple_string Test string A simple string variable without validation and without default value - tfvars
validated_string Validated string A string variable with length validation (larger than 5) and no default value - tfvars
default_string Hello, World! A string variable with a default value and no validation Hello, World! default value
simple_number 10 A simple number variable without validation and without default value - tfvars
validated_number 25 A number variable with range validation (1-100) and no default value - tfvars
default_number 42 A number variable with a default value and no validation 42 default value
complex_list ['apple', '2', 'banana', '4'] A complex list variable containing strings and numbers, with a default value ['apple', 2, 'banana', 4] default value
complex_object {'field1': 'default_string', 'field2': ['item1', '2', 'item3'], 'field3': {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}} A complex object variable with nested lists and maps, and a default value {
field1 = "default_string"
field2 = ["item1", 2, "item3"]
field3 = {
key1 = "value1"
key2 = "value2"
default value

Without tfvars file

without the values provided by the tfvars file. Here's an updated table that reflects this, here we enter the required variables manually.:

Key Value Description Source
complex_list ['apple', '2', 'banana', '4'] A complex list variable containing strings and numbers, with a default value variables.tf
complex_object {'field1': 'default_string', 'field2': ['item1', '2', 'item3'], 'field3': {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}} A complex object variable with nested lists and maps, and a default value variables.tf
default_number 42 A number variable with a default value and no validation variables.tf
default_string Hello, World! A string variable with a default value and no validation variables.tf
environment_variables (sensitive value) A sensitive string variable that should be populated with a value from an environment variable variables.tf
example_variables_sensitive (sensitive value) An example of a sensitive string variable manual
null_resource_id 1938533224326765545 An ID generated by the null_resource variables.tf
ResourceGroupARN arn:aws:resource-groups:eu-north-1:365853257337:group/SC-365853257337-pp-cwsc5kuvszhfg The ARN of the associated Resource Group variables.tf
simple_number 70 A simple number variable without validation and without default value manual
simple_string This is a test string A simple string variable without validation and without default value manual
validated_number 50 A number variable with range validation (1-100) and no default value manual
validated_string dsfsdfsdfsdf A string variable with length validation (larger than 5) and no default value manual


This module comes with a Makefile to help automate various tasks.


You can exclude the .tfvars file using EXCLUDE_TFVARS=true when running the make command for the package and validate-package targets.

  • fmt: Formats all Terraform files in the project.
  • validate: Validates the Terraform module using terraform fmt and terraform validate.
  • package: Packages the contents of the module into a .tar.gz file, excluding unnecessary files as specified in the .gitignore file.
  • validate-package: Extracts the contents of the .tar.gz file and compares the structure and contents with the original module.
  • clean: Deletes the packaged archive.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0.0
env 0.0.2
null ~> 3.0


No providers.


Name Source Version
main_module ./modules/main_module n/a


No resources.


Name Description Type Default Required
complex_list A complex list variable containing strings and numbers, with a default value list(any)
complex_object A complex object variable with nested lists and maps, and a default value
field1 = string
field2 = list(any)
field3 = map(string)
"field1": "default_string",
"field2": [
"field3": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
default_number A number variable with a default value and no validation number 42 no
default_string A string variable with a default value and no validation string "Hello, World!" no
env_var_names A map of environment variable names to retrieve their values map(string) {} no
simple_number A simple number variable without validation and without default value number n/a yes
simple_string A simple string variable without validation and without default value string n/a yes
validated_number A number variable with range validation (1-100) and no default value number n/a yes
validated_string A string variable with length validation (larger than 5) and no default value string n/a yes


Name Description
complex_list The value of the complex_list variable
complex_object The value of the complex_object variable
default_number The value of the default_number variable
default_string The value of the default_string variable
environment_variables Non-sensitive environment variables of the machine running Terraform
example_variables_sensitive Environment variables of the machine running Terraform
null_resource_id value of the null_resource_id output
simple_number The value of the simple_number variable
simple_string The value of the simple_string variable
validated_number The value of the validated_number variable
validated_string The value of the validated_string variable