
Examples on how to connect to the Cypher endpoints from Java with different http libraries

Primary LanguageJava


Examples on how to connect to the Cypher endpoints from Java with different http libraries

Contributions and Feedback wanted!!!


There is a CypherClient interface with different implementations for different http libraries.

public interface CypherClient {
    ExecutionResult query(String statement, Map<String,Object> params);

`ExecutionResult` is an interface with methods: 

public interface ExecutionResult extends Iterable<List<Object>> {
    List<String> getColumns();

    Iterator<List<Object>> iterator();

    Iterator<Map<String,Object>> rowIterator();

A Util class takes care of URL handling, JSON conversion and postData and ExecutionResult instantiation.

See: http://jersey.java.net/nonav/documentation/latest/user-guide.html#client

Uses Client, WebResource and ClientResponse to access the Cypher endpoint.


See: http://igorpolevoy.blogspot.de/2011/01/java-rest-with-ease.html http://javalt.org/

See: http://restlet.org/

See: http://docs.jboss.org/resteasy/docs/3.0.2.Final/userguide/html/RESTEasy_Client_Framework.html




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