
Prometheus.io exporter for Homey

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Prometheus exporter for Athom Homey

Prometheus exporter for Homey.

The following metrics are exported:

  • General system information (load averages, memory, storage).
  • Device state information (sensor values, state of switches, etc.). Device state gauges are named homey_device_<state> and have labels for device ID, name and zones.
  • User presence (present/away, awake/asleep)
  • Logic Variables
  • Weather data

How to support the project

  • If you can code, PRs with improvements and bug fixes are always appreciated. Be sure to check the issue list if there is anything up for grabs
  • There is a lot of different variations of the Homey nowadays. The maintainer currently runs a Homey early 2016 (the first production Homey), which is the device that gets the most testing. If you own a differnt Homey, testing and reporting issues is much appreciated.
  • If you prefer to, and have some money to spare, I have also set up a donate link that goes directly to purchasing more modern Homey devices so that I have a more modern device for testing.

How to use it

First, you need a Prometheus.io instance. The easiest way to install such an instance is to use Docker. This app has been developed and tested with the prom/prometheus:v2.1.0 image.

To add the Homey to Prometheus, you need to add the IP of Homey and port 9414 to the list of scrape targets. For example (prometheus.yml):

  - job_name: 'homey'
    scrape_interval: 15s

    # metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
    # scheme defaults to 'http'.

     - targets: [
         '<ip address of Homey>:9414'

Here is an example docker-compose file:

  image: grafana/grafana:5.0.1
  - 3000:3000
    - ./data/grafana:/var/lib/grafana
  restart: unless-stopped
    - GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword
  image: prom/prometheus:v2.1.0
    - 9090:9090
    - ./config/prometheus:/etc/prometheus:ro
    - ./data/prometheus:/prometheus
    - ./logs/prometheus:/logs
    - '--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml'
    - '--storage.tsdb.path=/prometheus'
    - '--storage.tsdb.retention=365d'
    - '--web.enable-admin-api'


Browse to http://<homey_ip>:9414/metrics and make sure there is a response.

How to configure it

There is currently no configuration needed for this app.