
Ansible, NETCONF, YANG and OpenConfig Demo

Primary LanguageMakefile


This repo contains the code to configure the following devices via Ansible:

  • QFX - via NETCONF and YANG OpenConfig models.
  • IOSL2 - via native network modules (i.e ios_vlan)

The key benfit of this demo is to abstract the required Ansible code needed to program NETCONF based devices via the use of OpenConfig YANG models.

Note: The steps for installating OC within JunOS can be found at : https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos/topics/task/installation/openconfig-installing.html


Below is Ansible folder/file structure.

|-- ansible.cfg
|-- inventory
|   `-- hosts
|-- playbooks
|   |-- group_vars
|   |   `-- all.yaml
|   |-- host_vars
|   |   |-- ios1.yml
|   |   `-- qfx1.yml
|   |-- master.yml
|   |-- native.yml
|   `-- netconf.yml
`-- scripts
    `-- convert.py

The inventory child groups define which hosts are run against which playbook. Shown below:



qfx1 ansible_host=

ios1 ansible_host=



The netconf.yml playbook converts the host_vars file into an XML based YANG model via a custom script scripts/convert.py. There is a potential you could look to use the yang ansible role. However, testing on this seems limited. However, as a next step I would recommend testing this role as it could "potentially" simplfy the code base down even further.

To run the plays to configure both devices via native and NETCONF methods run the command. The master playbook contains both the native.yml and netconf.yml playbooks.

cd ansible
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbooks/master.yml


To print an ASCII representation of the YANG model, use the following command:

pyang -f tree oc-models/vlan/openconfig-vlan.yang -p oc-models/

The different representations of the models can be located within data. For the YAML representation please refer to the ansible host_vars.

├── yang.json
└── yang.xml

To convert an OC based YANG model to YAML, I found the easiest way was to use JunOS to print the model as JSON, like so:

lab@fabric-01> show configuration openconfig-bgp:bgp | display json
    "openconfig-bgp:bgp" : {
        "neighbors" : {
            "neighbor" : [
                "neighbor-address" : "",
                "config" : {
                    "peer-as" : 110,
                    "peer-group" : "OC"
        "peer-groups" : {
            "peer-group" : [
                "peer-group-name" : "OC",
                "config" : {
                    "local-as" : 104,
                    "peer-type" : "EXTERNAL"
                "apply-policy" : {
                    "config" : {
                        "import-policy" : ["bgp-in"],
                        "export-policy" : ["bgp-out"]

Then use a JSON to YAML convertor to get the data into the required YAML representation.

## Makefile
The included Makefile provides the following options:


add-venv-py2.7 Install virtualenv, create virtualenv, install requirements add-venv-py3.6 Install virtualenv, create virtualenv, install requirements install-py3.6 Install Python3.6 lint Remove YAML EOL spaces, perform yaml and py linting. py-lint Perform linting against py files remove-yml-eol-spaces Remove end of line spaces from yaml files yaml-lint Perform linting against ansible yaml files