Hi there, I'm Rick Dias!

I'm a passionate Computer Engineer with a keen interest in Software Development, Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), and Competitive Programming. Welcome to my GitHub profile!

What I'm currently working on:

  • Route 102: This repository contains a collection of computer materials that I am studying;
  • CPLab: The Competitive Programming Lab is a study group that I founded and organize at the university. Our mission is to foster knowledge exchange, problem-solving, and collaboration among members as we tackle algorithms, problems, and challenges in the field of competitive programming.

I'm currently learning:

  • Software Development, Java, C++, Python;
  • Advanced algorithms in DSA.


  • Programming languages: C++, Java, Python, Javascript/Typescript;
  • Technologies: Spring Boot, NestJS, Front-end Frameworks, Databases (SQL/NoSQL).

Feel free to add me on Linkedin, explore my repositories and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions!