
A python implementation of Mitchie's Tic Tac Toe MENACE machine learning system

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


tests: 100% passing

A python implementation of Mitchie's Tic Tac Toe MENACE machine learning system


Mitchie's MENACE

Donald Mitchie, a contemporary of Alan Turing, Max Newman and Jack Good, was working on artificial intelligence and machine learning starting in the late 1950s. At that time, it was not efficient to implement a machine learning algorithm on a computer, so he developed a system that used matchboxes.

The system, created in 1961, was called MENACE, which stood for Machine Educable Noughts And Crosses Engine.

MENACE demonstrated that a computer could learn to improve its performance in carrying out a task, given reinforcement and feedback.


This repo

This repo is a python implementation of the algorithm and principles employed in MENACE, exploring methods for storing the state of an AI's training in a persistence layer (a sqlite database, as of this writing), efficient methods for making decisions based on the training, and methods for training the AI based on game outcomes.

Antique robots playing a board game

"I belong in a museum, not playing against this idiot."

Internally, the game board is represented as a string or list of 9 characters, indexed as follows:


For usability, a human player is shown a 1-indexed board, rather than the 0-indexed board used internally.

For example, the following board:


is represented internally as XO..O...X and represents a unique state of the game, and a unique identifier in the database.



  • Python 3 (>= 3.11 recommended)
  • conda (optional but recommended)


  • clone this repo
  • create a conda environment conda create --name ai_ml -f environment.yml


Run the game

  • activate the environment conda activate ai_ml
  • determine the way the game will run (waiting for human player input, running/training against an automated algorithm, number of rounds, etc. – See Settings below) by updating the relevant parts of main.py
  • From the root of the repo, run python main.py

Review results

With a SQLite client, open the database file matching the name of the relevant opponent and their player character ('X' or 'O')

Each record in the database represents a possible board state, including all states that the AI has experienced.

The records in the database may not represent all possible board states, as some board states closer to the possibility space for losing games may never be encountered by the AI given a finite training run.


System and learning settings

  • change how the system learns by editing settings.win_weight_delta, settings.loss_weight_delta, etc. in settings.py. HINT: with settings.weight_upper_limit set, all initial plays (from a blank board) will eventually have weights matching that maximum value, though they will arrive at that value at different rates. Setting this upper limit to a lower value will result in more of the possibility space of the board being explored earlier in the learning process. Setting the value higher will allow the weights of that initial play to reflect relative real world outcomes for longer.

Game settings

  • to select which AI will be played against and trained, edit the opponent_name variable in main.py@game_loop
  • to create a new AI opponent, add a new option for opponent_name. A new database will be created for this AI automatically.
  • to play against the AI manually, set generate_random_plays to False in main.py@main
  • with generate_random_plays set to True, you will not be prompted to play. Instead, the system will choose a valid move for you, either at random, using a function that finds and completes two in a row, or using another AI running a learning algorithm.
  • to set how many rounds will be played before the program exits, edit rounds_to_play in main.py@main. This is useful for letting the AI learn rapidly.
  • to turn verbose console display of game progress on or off, edit display_this_game in main.py@main. NOTE: printing to the console is a major bottleneck in python programs. Set display_this_game to False in order to speed up the learning process, and consider commenting out the "rounds remaining: ..." print command at the end of the game loop.


NOTE: as of 2023-05-17, only unit-scoped tests are implemented, and they are not comprehensive. The purpose of this repo, as of now, is to explore the algorithm and its implementation. Additionally, end-to-end requirements are in flux, and it's not efficient to generate full test coverage for any spec that is unstable.

That said, PRs for additional tests are welcome!

Unit Tests

All tests, verbose

pytest --verbose

All tests, with console output, verbose

pytest -s --verbose


  • How an AI is trained, and the progression of that training, matters very much with respect to the final behaviour of the AI!
  • An AI trained against a random player seems more difficult to beat than an untrained AI, but still feels very beatable. It fails to prioritize blocking the human player's win, expecting a random play and still giving some priority to plays that have led to its own victories.
    • I added a winning_play() function to the gameplay module, so that once a board state exists that would result in a win for the human player, the "generate random" player will play there. This will hopefully change the AI's prioritization to block imminent human wins.
    • Before adding winning_play() to the random opponent's game loop, the AI trained against a random player was more likely to make its first play in a corner, and unlikely to play in the middle of a side or in the centre position. After adding winning_play(), the AI is more likely to play in the centre position. Tic-tac-toe being a solved game which can always be played to a win or draw, the first play in the centre matches the optimal strategy for the first player.
    • After adding winning_play(), the AI feels much more difficult to beat.
  • Setting a finite maximum weight for the plays results in a set of weights for the initial play that favours any play that isn't strictly detrimental, rather than favouring the centre.
    • Setting the maximum weight to float('inf') results in the centre position being favoured continuously (though we should be careful to account for the maximum float value for the hardware or language)
  • Setting a minimum weight of 1 for the plays means there is still some small chance of the AI playing in a suboptimal position, and so some randomness remains in the game. Setting a minimum weight of 0 will result in those moves being eliminated from the possible plays after losing games that included that play.
  • Training the AI against a purely random opponent resulted in a database that included over 2400 configs after a high number of training rounds, whereas training it against a random opponent that prioritized completing a 2-in-a-row for the win resulted in a database with over 1900.
    • This has interesting implications for the relationship between "well-trained" AIs and AIs trained using a faulty method: a "better trained" AI doesn't necessarily have a larger or more complex brain state.
    • The caveat here is that, in the case of this repo, the "better trained" AI will simply see fewer possible board states, since games will end earlier in general. But this kind of effect may still show up in other examples of AI and machine learning, especially once we consider the complexity of convolutional neural networks, ANNs with hidden layers and exotic architectures, and other more complex models – the complexity may be overkill in some situations, e.g. in CNNs that are overtrained with too many hidden layers.

Next Steps:

  • create visualizations for the state of the AI's training over time
  • create visualizations for the gameplay itself (currently outputs to the console)
  • create visualizations for the training and visited board states
  • create visualizations for the trained model itself – a tree in 3D space with nodes to represent unique board states and color/opacity for weights
  • make two AIs play against each other, and see how their strategies evolve
  • study the ways in which the asymmetries in the weights on the blank config emerge under different training conditions, algorithms, and methods
  • create a neural network with board position statuses as inputs, see if there's an ANN architecture that will result in a successful AI
  • explore generating a decision tree model from the tic-tac-toe AI's training and game history. Explore ways to generalize this process for generating decision tree models with human-readable labels and visualizations.



Imagine V4 Prompt: an antique robot made of brass and copper sits at a small games table. On the table is a tic tac toe game. The robot is looking at the game. Across from the robot is a small human child. The child is waiting for the robot to play.