
Download all the video transcripts from google

Primary LanguageJavaScript


alt text

How to use

Lets first download the code and install the dependencies.

Download an install dependencies.

  1. > git clone [this repository]
  2. > cd DTR-transcript
  3. > yarn install or npm install

Get yourself an API key

  1. Go to and get a API key: https://console.cloud.google.com/project/_/apiui/credential

  2. In index.js on line 4 replace GET_YOUR_KEY with the API key

Run the code

To get the transcripts first we need to get all the video id's that will be used to visit the video pages.

run: > node index.js

This will creat a videos.json file in the root of the project. Now we can start the transcript downloader:

> yarn cypress open or npx cypress open

Now all the transcript will be downloaded an saved in the ./transcripts dir. Videos that already have downloaded a downloaded transcript will be skipped