
An IRC bot that tracks github repos and broadcasts messages to channels, multiple repos/channels/networks supported!

Primary LanguagePHP

To install:

Dump install.sql into a database, upload commit-tracker.php to a webserver and add it as a post-recieve hook in your repo (isn't required, if it isnt added the bot won't track commits)
Configure github.php and run, enjoy.

Configure it in github.conf, repos are tracked via commands (dynamically in sql). Config file is parsed as json so comments arn't supported, sorry
I wouldn't recommend setting "options:new_data_interval" below 60, and I definately wouldn't if you're tracking more than one repo, you'll potentially run out of api calls, because github limits them, you can get your server exempt though.
"networks:chans" doesn't have to be occupied, you can force joins with :join/:part and the bot automatically joins and parts with :track and :untrack.
Values in the config file have to be escaped, quotes and other chars like \ etc

If you have any suggestions either ask me in the channel below, or contact me on here.

Questions to Ricki @ irc.ircnode.org/#lobby


Add support for re-opening issues (DONE)
Add support for closing? issues (DONE)
Add a :tracking command? Maybe.
Add debug logging to a file (DONE)
Change :track and :untrack to pm only (DONE)
Add :join and :part (DONE)
Convert to V3 api (it's way better!) (DONE - converted everything but the main tracking command to v3, as v3 has pagination for that, which.. sucks)