
PHP code refactor tool

Primary LanguagePHP

Refactor it!

Build Status codecov


composer global require rintveld/refactor-it


If you'd like to upgrade Refactor-it, simply execute:

composer global update

Simple startup

When no refactor rules are present yet:

  • refactor-it init first time project init

Project rules configuration

You will be provided with a

  • private/refactor-it/rules.json Project based configuration

By default the rules.json will be filled with a set of refactoring rules. These rules will be used to refactor your code. You can add or remove rules from this file. The rules can be found here -> https://cs.symfony.com/

Default set: rules.json:

    "ordered_class_elements": [
    "array_syntax": {
        "syntax": "short"
    "concat_space": {
        "spacing": "one"
    "phpdoc_trim": true,
    "phpdoc_order": true,
    "phpdoc_scalar": true,
    "phpdoc_types": true,
    "ordered_imports": true,
    "blank_line_before_return": true,
    "no_blank_lines_before_namespace": true,
    "no_blank_lines_after_phpdoc": true,
    "no_empty_phpdoc": true,
    "no_empty_statement": true,
    "no_mixed_echo_print": {
        "use": "echo"
    "no_trailing_whitespace": true,
    "no_unused_imports": true,
    "no_whitespace_in_blank_line": true,
    "object_operator_without_whitespace": true,
    "function_typehint_space": true,
    "no_extra_consecutive_blank_lines": {
        "tokens": [
    "phpdoc_add_missing_param_annotation": true,
    "is_null": true,
    "linebreak_after_opening_tag": true,
    "lowercase_cast": true,
    "@PSR2": true

Available commands:

  • refactor-it init Sets the Refactor it rules
  • refactor-it init --reset-rules Resets the Refactor it rules
  • refactor-it fix Refactor the changed files
  • refactor-it fix-all Refactor the selected source directory
  • refactor-it remove Removes all the Refactor-it files and folder


You can now use the command refactor-it


make sure you've got export PATH=~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH in you're .bash_profile ಠ_ಠ