environment climate change test Ghandi india continent tectonic plates restaurant shawarma radishes gooseberies honking dnidiw cardd Tesla Elon Musk Twitter Leave! Britain Ships tea boston Red Sox The BEST Ortiz Jays Vlady Beau zzz sleep in uh oh run! walk talk much good Levin Kitty confusion mind matter mush peas yum linux windows open close game ball hit catch bat softball this is the second baseball loop Do Kwon Who Doctor Terra (non)peg failure Stephen He emotional damage flood water dehydration thirst coffee coffeee morning yerba mate Guayaki patagonia VCs gavin belsin silicon valley hill mountain Everest summited danger tape worm dragon Smaug Dwarves elf eyes see blind mice cat Tom and Jerry cartoon network news catastrophe bronze age world earth soil dirty fuel gas diesel cost living well water fire earth meteor planet comet venus mars red colour color cooler water fire hot sauce secret society shivers cold arctic Polyarny WW3 down up broke up down luck again when will call something hoping should play questioning find mistakes hurt much forgive our sins lord and