It is a simple Library Management System which utilizes most of the basic concepts taught in 3rd semester in Object Oriented Programming Using Java.

Primary LanguageJava

- This program can successfully simulate the management of library.

- This uses file handling which allows storing of data even if the console is closed by mistake.

- It provides large storage capacity so that lots of users can easily input their data making it
easier for the library to function.

This Management System can be used by various colleges to run their Library. After the book lending
is done a file will be generated that will be of the name of the registration number user.
In the Code first the user is asked whether he/she is a new user or not. If he/she is a New User all the
details are taken and he/she is an old user, the credentials are tested (using file handling specially).
Then the user is asked about the stream of the book that he wants to take and according to the
stream certain books appear from which he can choose easily. All these details will be saved in the file
which has a name of registration number using File handling.
After he has taken the book the file will be saved in which the books that he has taken will be there
and then whenever the user wants to return the book he can just enter the stream and book name
and return it back.
In this for Login the user has to Input the following details.
- Registration Number
- Date of birth
- Name
- Semester
Then the file is created for further use.
Whenever the user returns the book the book from that file automatically disappears from his/her